当选择错误值旁边的任意空白时,屏幕底部会显示详细信息窗格。 详细信息窗格包含错误原因DataFormat.Error和错误消息Invalid cell value '#REF!': 一次只能选择一个单元格,因此一次只能有效地检查一个错误值的错误组件。 此时,你将创建一个新的自定义列并使用try表达式。
In Power Query, you can use Query Editor to filter by row position. Filtering rows by position is similar to filtering rows by value, except that rows are kept or discarded by their position in the table rather than by cell values. 可以在删除任何行之前创建“索引”列来显示行位置...
例如,如果你的自定义函数是要将单元格A1的值加倍,你可以编写以下公式:= (cellValue) => cellValue * 2。 步骤7: 使用自定义函数 回到Power Query 编辑器的主窗口,在你想要应用自定义函数的位置,可以使用"自定义列"或"添加自定义函数"等选项。选择相应的选项并使用你定义的自定义函数。
对于未以 Power BI 可直接使用的格式显示数据源响应的情况,可以使用 Power Query 来执行一系列转换。 静态转换 在大多数情况下,数据源以一致的方式呈现数据:给定终结点的列名、数据类型和层次结构是一致的。 在这种情况下,应该始终应用相同的转换集以 Power BI 可接受格式来获取数据。
Hello,I have a function GetValue(), that gets the value from a cell that I named "Query".However when I then try to run the query, it gives me an error :...
由于参数表现在处于可以保存所需的任何变量的状态,只需要为 Power Query 提供一个读取这些值的方法。此部分可通过使用以下自定义函数完成: ( getValue as text ) => let ParamTable = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Parameters"]}[Content], Result = ParamTable{[Parameter=getValue]}?[Value]? in Result ...
4.打开PowerQuery模板,在参数表格的Value列的单元格内,分别填入 =LEFT(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("[",CELL("filename",A1),1)-1)&"原始数据\员工培训详情报表.csv" =LEFT(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("[",CELL("filename",A1),1)-1)&"原始数据\个人学习报表-详情导出.csv" ...
Hi This should be simple for many people (but not for a newbie like me!). I need to create a new column that contains the value of the top-left cell...
In Power Query Editor, there is a feature namedReplace Errorthat can help you fix the issue. You can replace the error with other value. You can also try filtering, and lastly add a new column that checks if the value is error return null otherwise return the original value. Th...
I got this Table in the Power Query Editor. There are several Persons with different Attributes. How can I get my table in a format like this in the Power Query Editor? The first row schould be the person and the second is filled with the attributes were the value is one. They ...