Heather M. O'LearyHelen Tager-FlusbergCharles A. NelsonBioMed CentralJournal of Neurodevelopmental DisordersLevin, A. R., Varcin, K. J., O'Leary, H. M., Tager-Flusberg, H. & Nelson, C. A. EEG Power at 3 Months in Infants at High Familial Risk for Autism. Journal of ...
The spectral power of the θ rhythm was lower in autism, especially in the left hemisphere. The spectral power of the α rhythm in the autistic children was lower than normal, especially in the posterior areas of the left hemisphere. The μ rhythm was higher than normal in spectral power ...
Trajectories of Frontal Gamma Power from 3 to 36 Months in Infants Later Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum DisorderEEG/ERPA. LevinH. O'LearyK. VarcinM. CrossmanH. TagerFlusbergC. Nelson