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连接到 Exchange Online 连接到 SharePoint Online 设置Microsoft Teams 集成 Skype for Business 和 Skype 集成 设置Skype 或 Skype for Business 部署Microsoft 365 组 启用查看个人资料卡 设置OneNote 集成 启用OneDrive for Business (online) 启用OneDrive for Business (on-premises) ...
Power Query デスクトップから Dynamics 365 Online (レガシ) に接続する この記事では、基本情報、前提条件、および Power Query から Dynamics 365 Online (レガシ) に接続する方法について説明します。 まとめ テーブルを展開する 項目説明 ...
SharePoint 폴더 SharePoint 목록 SharePoint Online 목록 SingleStore SIS-CC SDMX(베타) 스마트시트(베타) Snowflake Socialbakers 메트릭(사용되지 않음) SoftOne BI(베타) SolarWinds Service Desk
To migrate to SharePoint and Microsoft 365 using PowerShell, see Migrate to SharePoint using PowerShell. Use this cmdlet to monitor the status of a submitted SharePoint Online migration job. Get-SPOMultiGeoCompanyAllowedDataLocation Returns the SharePoint Online Multi geo allowed data locations. ...
Power Platform escalation of privileges in Dataverse using an entry point other than Dataverse to gain access to Dataverse (Example: an individual who doesn't have access to a record in Dataverse cannot use another Power Platform service to get access to the record.) Dataverse Plugin Sandbox "...
1、如果想要在SharePoint Online中使用Windows PowerShell,首先需要安装SharePoint Online Management Shell(下载地址附后),如下图: 2、安装完毕,如下图: 3、在开始菜单,即可找到SharePoint Online Management Shell,如下图: 4、点击,即可打开,这里运行连接SharePoint Online 站点的命令,如下图: ...
商业智能 (BI) 实际上是可用于收集数据,将其转换为有意义的信息,然后作出更好的决策的一组工具和过程。 在 Office 365 企业版 中, Excel 和 SharePoint Online 中提供了 BI 功能。 这些服务使您能够跨多种设备收集数据、将数据可视化、与您组织中的人员共享信息。
Rapidly develop apps for your teams in Microsoft Power Apps, and automate workflows in Power Automate. Solve business challenges with low-code tools.
To migrate to SharePoint and Microsoft 365 using PowerShell, see Migrate to SharePoint using PowerShell. Use this cmdlet to monitor the status of a submitted SharePoint Online migration job. Get-SPOMultiGeoCompanyAllowedDataLocation Returns the SharePoint Online Multi geo allowed data locations. ...