Power Automate licensing Pay-as-you-go plan Power Platform requests limits Power Platform licensing FAQs Environments Managed operations Security and governance Analytics Storage Resources Activity logging Programmability and extensibility Data integration ...
查看许可页面的其他方法 托管环境:选择Enable Managed Environments(启用托管环境)页面上的 View licensing details(查看许可详细信息)。 标准环境:您将看到一条警报,说明只有 Microsoft 365 许可证的用户需要许可证。 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈...
Earlier in 2022, Microsoft Power Platform announced Managed Environments in preview. Managed Environments, which is now generally available, offers a set of enhanced, out-of-the-box governance capabilities that will simplify, automate, and streamline IT administration of Microsoft Power Platform at scal...
powerPlatform.licensing.EnableTenantLicensingReportForEnvironmentAdmins 布尔型 允许租户、Power Platform 或 Dynamics 365 管理员授予环境管理员查看租户范围许可证报告的权限。 默认值为 false。 powerPlatform.licensing.ApplyAutoClaimToOnlyManagedEnvironments 布尔型 允许管理员选择是将许可证自动申领策略应用于托管环境还...
Managed Environments se incluye como un derecho con licencias independientes de Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, Power Pages y Dynamics 365. Cuando se activa Entornos gestionados en un entorno, cada aplicación, flujo de Power Automate, bot de Power Virtual Agents y sitio web ...
Administer Power Platform Admin documentation Overview Work with various admin portals Get started Support Licensing Environments Administer environments Environments overview Create environment Control environment creation Change environment type Add database to environment Delete environment Recover environment Reset...
Administer Power Platform Admin documentation Overview Work with various admin portals Get started Support Licensing Environments Administer environments Environments overview Create environment Control environment creation Change environment type Add database to environment Delete environment Recover environment Reset...
When you set the value of the DelayedDelicensingEnabled parameter to $true, the TenantAdminNotificationForDelayedDelicensingEnabled and EndUserMailNotificationForDelayedDelicensingEnabled parameters are set to $true by default. When you set the value of the DelayedDelicensingEnabled parameter to $false...
Enables support for editing in the browser. The default is False. Only set to True if you have the appropriate licensing to use the edit functionality. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False ...
s not being used and also flags where licensing attention is needed. The new license reporting makes it easier for you to know which active users require license assignment before you can enable Managed Environments. Then, if I head over to the insights dashboard in th...