powerPlatform.licensing.EnableTenantLicensingReportForEnvironmentAdmins 布尔型 允许租户、Power Platform 或 Dynamics 365 管理员授予环境管理员查看租户范围许可证报告的权限。 默认值为 false。 powerPlatform.licensing.ApplyAutoClaimToOnlyManagedEnvironments 布尔型 允许管理员选择是将许可证自动申领策略应用于托管环境还...
To enable Virtual Network support for Power Platform, environments must be Managed Environments. In addition, access to using Virtual Network support for Power platform requires users in the environments where the Virtual Network is enabled to have one of these subscriptions: ...
从提取的文件夹中导入CenterOfExcellenceCoreComponents_x_x_x_xx_managed.zip解决方案文件。 对于商业云中的环境,请将所有环境变量值留空。 对于 GCC、GCC High 和 DoD 环境,请查看Microsoft Graph 和 Graph 浏览器服务根终结点,然后在Graph URL Environment Variable环境变量中输入云的值。
Using Power Platform admin center If you're an administrator, you can determine the region of each environment in the Power Platform admin center. Browse to the admin center, and sign in with your admin account. From the left-side menu, select Environments. What regions are available? Select...
These updates will be applicable to older Teams PowerShell versions from 15th March 2024 in GCC High and DoD environments:The following attributes are populated with correct values in the output of Get-CsOnlineUser when not using the "-identity" parameter:...
[-OutlookMobileGCCRestrictionsEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookMobileHelpShiftEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookMobileSingleAccountEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookPayEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookTextPredictionDisabled <Boolean>] [-PerTenantSwitchToESTSEnabled <Boolean>] [-PostponeRoamingSignaturesUntilLater <Boolean>] [...
[-OutlookMobileGCCRestrictionsEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookMobileHelpShiftEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookMobileSingleAccountEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookPayEnabled <Boolean>] [-OutlookTextPredictionDisabled <Boolean>] [-PerTenantSwitchToESTSEnabled <Boolean>] [-PostponeRoamingSignaturesUntilLater <Boolean>] [...
chmod +x realplay- Then to run the installer, type this in the terminal: sudo ./realplay- and hit enter. When it asks for the install directory, type /opt/RealPlayer ...
1.6. Platform-specific considerations The NVIDIA HPC Compilers are supported on x86-64, OpenPOWER and 64-bit Arm multicore CPUs running Linux. 1.6.1. Using the NVIDIA HPC Compilers on Linux Linux Header Files The Linux system header files contain many GNU gcc extensions. The NVIDIA HPC C++ ...
1.6. Platform-specific considerations The NVIDIA HPC Compilers are supported on x86-64, OpenPOWER and 64-bit Arm multicore CPUs running Linux. 1.6.1. Using the NVIDIA HPC Compilers on Linux Linux Header Files The Linux system header files contain many GNU gcc extensions. The NVIDIA HPC C++...