PowerPlatformAdminActivity 數據表的查詢 如需在 Azure 入口網站 中使用這些查詢的詳細資訊,請參閱Log Analytics教學課程。 如需 REST API,請參閱查詢。 Power Platform 系統管理事件 顯示作業類型摘要的事件,以及起始作業的使用者。
Use Microsoft Power Platform Admin Center portalCompleted 100 XP 5 minutes As mentioned previously, the Power Platform Admin Center provides various tools that administrators can use for managing their Power Platform tenants. One of the key areas provided is the Analytics. It provides you with the ...
The role definition ID. Format: /providers/Microsoft.BusinessAppPlatform/scopes/admin/environments/{environment}/{roleName}. id id string The id field. Returns Body RoleAssignment Force Sync userOperation ID: Add-AdminPowerAppsSyncUser Used to sync PowerApps user to CRM. Parameters Expand table Na...
檢查重複資料精靈可協助設定大量「工作」,尋找和清除在系統中重複的資料記錄。 您可以排程工作以每日執行,您在完成工作時也會收到確認用的電子郵件。 備註 如果您尚未這麼做,請先建立和發行重複偵測規則,並開啟重複資料偵測,然後執行精靈。 其他資訊:設定重複資料偵測規則以精簡您的資料 在Power Platform 系統管理中...
System Jobs Show 5 more We've improved how you view metrics for your organization. You no longer need to install or update a solution. Instead, you can view Dataverse analytics right from the Microsoft Power Platform admin center to quickly view adoption and user metrics for your organization...
Power Platform AdminOpens admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com Solutions HistoryDisplay Solutions History page to see the list of solutions imported into the environment. New windowDisplays the current grid (Saved Query) in a new window. Quick Find fieldsDisplays the search fields for the current entity...
$parameters 变量包含连接到网络共享的参数值。 Invoke-Command cmdlet 在 $s 中的会话中运行 Get-Item 命令。 此命令从 \\Net03\Scripts 网络共享获取脚本。 该命令使用身份验证参数,其值为 CredSSP,并使用值为 Domain01\Admin01 的凭据参数。示例18:在许多远程计算机上启动脚本此示例将在一百多台计算机上运行...
The give and take policy also sparkled some toughts on how to use comments on sites I am currently admin of. At the moment comments do not really have any place on those sites, but it might actually be worth while for building a community around our brand actually. The give and take ...
Another great feature in PowerShell is the fact that either the slash (/) or the backslash (\) can be used in specifying directory trees, making PowerShell a more comfortable experience for both Windows and Unix admins. Where Unix shell scripts pipe text from one command to another, Power...
and-sustainability-to-the-forefront-at-supply-chain-reimagined/">Bring agility, connectivity, and sustainability to the forefront—at Supply Chain Reimagined appeared first on Microsoft Power Platform Blog. ]]> </description> <content:encoded> <![CDATA[ Today, many companies face global supply chain...