Power Platform for Admins is a connector interface to access the Business Applications Platform (BAP) API, which is used to manage the admin-related resources of the Power Platform -- the same API that operates the Power Platform Admin Center. This includes management of Environment lifecycle ...
管理中心 - 本部分提供指向 Microsoft Power Platform 其他管理中心的链接。您可以直接访问 Power Platform 管理中心,方法是导航到 https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com,然后使用具有管理员凭据的用户帐户登录。下一单元: 使用 Microsoft Power Platform 管理中心门户 下一步 需要...
You can manage the connectors in a data group when you create or modify the properties of a DLP policy from Microsoft Power Platform admin center.Confirm that connectors are in the same groupData can't be shared among connectors that are in different groups. For example, if you place Share...
Power Platform 管理中心 (https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com) 是管理员用于管理 Power Apps、Power Automate、Power Pages 和 Power Virtual Agents 的环境和设置的统一门户。 Power BI 管理员使用 Power BI 管理门户 (https://app.powerbi.com) 管理 Power BI 租户,包括监管策略的配置、使用情况监视以及...
Because of this, an initial Power Platform environment can automatically be created for every finance and operations apps environment. Every initial environment in Power Platform admin center is without Dataverse. Therefore, it uses only 1 GB of database capacity to provision apps that ...
review a request and approve or reject the creation of the environment, without being responsible for manually going to the admin center and creating the environment for the user, just for validating the request details, business justification, DLP requirements, and whether enough capacity is ...
Individual users don't need to have a license when the environment has app pass capacity. This only applies to adding users on demand (either at first attempt to access the environment or through API/Power Platform admin center). Individual users don't need to have a license when the tenant...
Individual users don't need to have a license when the environment has app pass capacity. This only applies to adding users on demand (either at first attempt to access the environment or through API/Power Platform admin center). Individual users don't need to have a license when the tenant...
Two new functionalities which we have recently added are: rename and delete an environment, and allowing Office 365/AAD Global administrators to access admin center without needing PowerApps Plan 2. Read more about these changes! Load more Get started with Power Platform Data shows Microsoft Power...
We are excited to launch the public preview of the Data Gateway feature on the Power platform admin center; This feature provides tenant admins with visibility into all On-premises data gateways within their organization and also management capabilities.