Associated Press writers Michael Hill in Albany, New York; Margery Beck in Omaha, Nebraska; Patrick Whittle in Portland, Maine; and Sophia Tareen in Chicago contributed to this story. PATRICK WHITTLE Whittle is an Associated Press reporter based in Portland, Maine. He focuses on the environment...
Kelly Packard of NYSEG said the outage was "caused by a faulted elbow in an underground transformer." In an email, she said "an elbow is a piece of equipment that connects the conductor to the transformer in underground construction."Packard...
Omaha Public Power District (728) ranks highest among midsize utilities. South Region Georgia Power (731) ranks highest among large utilities in the South Region for a third consecutive year. Among midsize electric utilities, Gulf Power ranks highest (731)....
• Omaha Public Power District's Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station in Nebraska. Several plants will be retired before their operating licenses expire: • Exelon Corp.'s Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in New Jersey, to be retired in 2018. • Entergy Corp.'s Pilgrim Nuclear ...
outagecommunications,accordingtotheJ.D.Power2014ElectricUtilityResidentialCustomerSatisfaction Study SM releasedtoday.However,theimprovementsintheelectricutilityindustryarenotkeepingpace withthoseinavarietyofotherserviceindustries. Thestudy,nowinits16thyear,measurescustomersatisfactionwithelectricutilitycompaniesby ...
“At some point during today, it looked like a scene out of Dr. Zhivago,” Lightfoot told reporters at a news conference today. “But our city has had a lot of days like this, even this year. And I want everyone to know, as you can see from the folks that are here, and the fo...