Positive: until you know me, you have no right to judge me as you judge everyone 24/7 on HL! Jacqui ✉Mar '18The update is a total CYA by JCP&L. We wanted an ETR, they gave one they’ll meet. Every outage location has the same ETR. Nice Neighbor ✉Mar '18Schooleys...
I have never experienced another power outage since. Consider power outage equipment like the airbag inside your car. It might feel like a pointless extra, but trust me – you’ll be glad it’s there if it’s ever needed. Why are power outages so dangerous to your aquarium?
We are expecting power outages from storms soon and I want this app to give me a heads up when a outage occurs while i am sleeping. This would allow me to go start the generator and get heat going in the house as opposed to waiting a couple hours and waking up to a very cold hous...
if you were gone on a trip or had to evacuate for whatever reason, when you were able to return home you could check that ice & quarter container to see if there had been enough of a power outage to zap your frozen foods — even if...
Moreno showed CBS13 the snowcats it has ready to plow the roads to access power poles in case an outage occurs. "There are times if the storm brings extremely heavy winds and the trees are falling over randomly, then we have to pull back for safety," Moreno said. Preparation this...
- device removed (interesting, I was expecting ~20 "device removed" messages) 01:06 EET: - PermitJoin on non-aqara router - nothing ... 01:08 EET: - PermitJoin ALL - Device added with "0x54ef441000720a04" name - Device still doesn't work (no sync, no power mewasurements) -...
But the outage has highlighted the fragility of Pakistan’s electricity network — a problem that threatens to undermine the country’s economic recovery and which is set to become a significant political issue in the run-up to next year’s general election.Recent power cuts have already ...