Screen recording Configs created byp10k configureenable show on command for several prompt segments by default. Here's the relevant parameter for kubernetes context: #Show prompt segment "kubecontext" only when the command you are typing invokes one of these tools.typeset-g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEX...
When Page Refresh is turned on (DirectQuery only) Opening the PBIX file Not available independently from other refresh types Not available independently from other refresh types In the Power BI service When the browser loads or reloads the report Clicking the Refresh Visuals top right menu ba...
if ($this -is [System.Management.Automation.ApplicationInfo]) { return $this.Path } # For commands defined outside a module, return only the name. if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ModuleName)) { return $this.Name } # Return the fully-qualified command name "<ModuleName>\<CommandName>"...
If the loads are normal, replace the power module. The DC bus experiences overvoltage. Check whether a same alarm is generated for multiple power modules. If multiple power modules generate a same DC bus overvoltage alarm, check whether UPS output backfeed exists. If only one power module is...
⚫ Bottom sealing plates need to be installed only on the sides of cabinets at an end. unpacked. It is recommended that you wrap the cabinets with the original plastic ⚫ Bottom sealing plates need to be installed at the front and rear of cabinets except for covers. the transformer ...
When Windows PowerShell loads a snap-in, these entries are used to load the assembly and find the various configuration files. It is also worth mentioning that Installutil.exe is the recommended installation method during development only, as the utility's actions don't properly register their ...
Process- Affects only the current PowerShell session LocalMachine- Default scope that affects all users of the computer CurrentUser- Affects only the current user TheProcessscope only affects the current PowerShell session. The execution policy is saved in the environment variable$env:PSExecutionPol...
Typically, in enterprise environments these losses are between 10% and 15%, For example, the net available power might be only 51W at the device when connected to a source capable of delivering 60W. These losses may be magnified in industrial environments, as discu...
Keep in mind that powershell.exe isn't the only application that loads the Microsoft.PowerShell profiles or the all-shells profiles. Many integrated development environments (IDEs) that provide Windows PowerShell support—including PrimalScript from SAPIEN Technologies, PowerGUI from Quest Software, and...
you can also verify the rebind status of your reports and revert the rebinding if you wanted to redirect your reports back to the original dataset on Azure AS. Perhaps you only wanted to evaluate the migration experience using a temporary target workspace first before launching the actual migrati...