可能是电脑提供的USB接口供电不足,可以尝试不要用机箱的前置USB接口,如果后面的接口还是供电不足,一般来说移动硬盘的USB连接线有一端会提供两个USB接口,其中一个是辅助供电接口,你把那两个都接在电脑的USB口上,另一端只有一个接口的接在移动硬盘上就应该可以正常使用了 ...
一、power surge on hub port是集线器上出现电涌情况,出现这种情况可能原因如下:1、电脑提供的USB接口供电不足,可以换个插口试试;2、主板有问题,需要找专业的电脑店检测;3、主板驱动未安装好,重装一下主板驱动可以解决。二、电涌:顾名思义就是超出正常工作电压的瞬间过电压,被称为瞬变脉冲电压...
大澍 (雁渡寒潭,雁过潭不留影) 2010-07-09 19:06:13 一般情况是USB口供电不足. 台机的话别用前置USB试试后面的口. 也有可能是USB口坏了,或者主板有点小状况. 可以Google一下. 赞 回应 你的回应 回应请先 登录 , 或 注册 推荐到广播
Re:Power surge on USB port (USBa) Yea. I've tried all that. I'm pretty sure it's a faulty UDBa port. both of the USBc ports next to it work fine. How do get a warranty claim submitted? When I've tired it wants to run test which dont need to really do. When I have trie...
Power surge on the USB port – Unknown USB Device needs more power than the port can supply. A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port. You should disconnect the device. This message sounds alarming, and we’ll show you how to deal with it properly in...
I have a yoga 7i running Windows 11. I am getting the error message "Power surge on the USB port. Unknown USB Device needs more power than the port can supply" I get this error message even when I don't have anything plugged in to my USB ports. When I plug in the charger, the...
Hello I'm getting this Error Power surge on the USB port – Unknown USB Device needs more power than the port can supply. A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port. You should disconnect the device. I tried: …
If you expand the message, the following message appears: "Power surge on the USB port - A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port. You should disconnect the device." Figure 1: Power surge on the USB port Cause USB device causing power surge message ...
Power on ICN and check USB port interface问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 ICN电源和检查USB端口接口 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 电源在icn和检查usb端口接口 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 力量在ICN和检查USB港接口 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 国际竞争网络并检查 USB 端口接口上的电源...
大澍 (雁渡寒潭,雁过潭不留影) 2010-07-09 19:06:13 一般情况是USB口供电不足. 台机的话别用前置USB试试后面的口. 也有可能是USB口坏了,或者主板有点小状况. 可以Google一下. 赞 回应 你的回应 回应请先 登录 , 或 注册 推荐到广播