CheckpointComputerCommand ClearContentCommand ClearEventLogCommand ClearHistoryCommand ClearItemCommand ClearItemPropertyCommand ClearRecycleBinCommand ClearVariableCommand ClipboardFormat CommonRunspaceCommandBase CompareObjectCommand CompleteTransactionCommand ComputerChangeInfo ComputerInfo ConnectPSSessionCommand ConsoleCmdlets...
ResolvePathCommand RestartComputerCommand RestartComputerCommand Constructors Properties AsJob ComputerName Credential DcomAuthentication Delay For Force Impersonation Protocol ThrottleLimit Timeout Wait WsmanAuthentication Methods RestartComputerTimeoutException ...
StopComputerCommand Constructors Properties AsJob ComputerName Credential DcomAuthentication Force Impersonation Protocol ThrottleLimit WsmanAuthentication Methods StopJobCommand StopProcessCommand StopServiceCommand StopTranscriptCommand SuspendJobCommand SuspendServiceCommand ...
Used to start a command remotely as a Job. The Job results are collected and stored in the global cache on the client machine.
This collection of objects—computer names, that is—is piped to the foreach command, which is really just an alias for the ForEach-Object cmdlet. The commands inside the curly braces are repeated once for each object that is piped in—for this example, that means they run once for each...
If a parameter is not positional, you leave off the Position attribute and use the parameter name from the command line to provide a value.The documentation recommends that you make frequently used parameters positional whenever possible. The only problem with this guidance is that if you have ...
If a parameter is not positional, you leave off the Position attribute and use the parameter name from the command line to provide a value.The documentation recommends that you make frequently used parameters positional whenever possible. The only problem with this guidance is that if you have ...
Windows PowerShellHeading Off Malicious Code Don Jones Remember back when Windows Vista was still in beta and there was buzz about a very early version of a new command-line shell code-named "Monad"? (This, of course, would eventually come to be known as Windows PowerShell.) At the time...
1.Get-Command : 得到所有PowerShell命令,获取有关 cmdlet 以及有关 Windows PowerShell 命令的其他元素的基本信息。 包括Cmdlet、Alias、Function。 2.Get-Process : 获取所有进程 3.Get-Help : 显示有关 Windows PowerShell 命令和概念的信息 4.Get-History : 获取在当前会话中输入的命令的列表 ...
(2)win+R,输入regedit打开注册表。检查该目录存在:Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH (3)使用管理员权限打开powershell 7,找到自己powershell7的安装路径,输入:New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH" -Name DefaultShell -Value "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -PropertyType St...