JavaScript, being a versatile programming language, provides developers with an array of built-in methods to handle and manipulate data. Among these methods, valueOf() stands out as a powerful function that allows for value extraction and customization from JavaScript objects. This article will explo...
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) { let width: number = options.viewport.width; let height: number = options.viewport.height; this.svg.attr("width", width); this.svg.attr("height", height); let radius: number = Math.min(width, height) / 2.2; .style("fill",...
As part of a service update designed to improve security within Microsoft Power Apps, we removed jQuery version 2.1.1 from model-driven applications. One year after announcing the plan to remove this library, in October 2023 we removed the library located here: /_static/_common/scripts/jquery-...
After my delay loop terminates, I check to see if the exit occurred because of exceeding the maximum number of attempts to find a change in the target control's value:Copy if ($numWaits -eq 100) { throw "Application did not respond after 100 delays" } else { write-host "Application...
Version number update only, no functional changes. Version: 1.12.7977.29537 (Build 15.0.1107.165), Released: November 9, 2021 Bug fixes Fixed issue blocking upload of CSV, XLS, and XLSB files. Fixed security issue related to certain PBIX files. ...
In a mobile environment the library provides access to on-device technology, and in the desktop environment some features of the underlying host OS (operating system) are exposed. Supported platforms: mobile iOS Android desktop Windows OSX Linux A limited number of appworks.js plugins are ava...
An iterable which emits a combination of a given iterable. new Combination(seed, size) seed: the seed iterable. size: the number of elements in the iterated element. import {Combination} from './combinatorics.js'; let it = new Combination('abcd', 2); it.length; // 6n []; /...
Report Server 2022 has a number of new options for setting system properties on the report server. The article Server Properties Advanced Page - Power BI Report Server & Reporting Services explains how to set them in SQL Server Management Studio. Each of the links in this section takes you ...
Power Fx describes business logic in concise, yet powerful, formulas. Most logic can be reduced to one-liners with plenty of expressiveness and control for more complex needs. The goal is to keep the number of concepts a maker needs to understand to a minimum, ideally no more than an Exce...
文章背景: 最近在学习Power BI进行报表的制作,其中有一项内容是日期表。日期表是使用时间智能函数的基础...