When the task completes, the actual number of processor cycles used is compared to the worst-case specification. Any unused cycles that were allotted to the task would normally (or eventually) be wasted, idling the processor. Instead of idling for extra processor cycles, the DVS algorithms ...
Assuming that the optimal input signal power of ADC is 0 dBm, the needed cascade gain of the proposed receiver is at least 111 dB. The practice has proved that an RF circuit with a gain of 40∼55 dB is reasonable [5,7,8,14]. The gain of the RF circuit is tentatively set at ...
2. State-of-the-Art A number of MGT models are reported in the literature due to the high importance of MGTs in decentralized energy systems [7]; their capability to be supplied with biomass [8]; the option to fire them externally [7,9]; and the option to combine them with a fuel ...