The ability of a lens to bend the light falling on it is called the power of a lens. Since the lens of shorter focal length will bend the light rays more will have more power. A convex lens converges the light rays towards the principal axis whereas a concave lens diverges the light r...
The derivation and development of this circuit was analysed by the author in Wireless World (July 1982). An alternative circuit layout, of the type developed by Hafler, has been described by E. Borbely (Wireless World, March 1983), and is shown in Fig. 5.21. This is deliberately chosen ...
Analysis of Convergence Behavior and Derivation of Divergence Indicator in Continuation Power Flow Iterations an analysis of the convergence behavior of the correction step within the iterations of the Continuation Power Flow (CPF), and the development of a diverg... A Bislimi - 《International Journ...
The derivation then proceeds just as in Sect. 11.2, and we obtain from Eq. (11.47) (13.46)CϕLϕL(l)=4∫0∞dχχ2gL2(χ)χ2PΦ(k=l+1/2χ,η(χ)). Now let us derive the projection kernel gL for ϕL, for which we need to include one more observational complication. ...
The analysis of 14 real river networks covering diverse range of climate conditions and free-flow connectivity levels supports our derivation. We further linked η with non-integer fractal dimensions found for river networks. Synthesis of our findings through the lens of fractal dimensio...
It is a word of contempt and should be used with caution. Like pedagogue, demagogue (DEM′- Ə -gog) has also deteriorated in meaning. By derivation a leader ( agogos ) of the people ( demos ), a demagogue today is actually one who attempts, in essence, to mislead the people, ...
1) the resolving power of a lens 透镜的解像能力.2) lens equation 透镜的物像公式 1. Derivation of lens equation by using Fermat s principle again; 再用费马原理推导透镜的物像公式3) astigmatic lens 像散透镜 1. According to the general Huygens Fresnel diffraction integral formula, this ...
[Derivation and critical analysis of formulas for the calculation of the refractive power of intraocular lenses] Using matrices, formulae are derived for calculating the refractive power of the ocular system and of intraocular lenses. These formulae take into account ... J Nitsch,J Reiner - 《Kl...
20030223037Methods and systems for tracking a torsional orientation and position of an eyeDecember, 2003Chernyak 6637884Aberrometer calibration2003-10-28Martino 6634751Intraocular lens derivation system2003-10-21Turner et al. 6626538Method for determining the power of an intraocular lens used for the tre...
The shared secret can be fed to a key derivation function to produce one or more keys to use for encryption of messages. To make unique communication link between the power adapter and the control attachment and unique message keys, the shared secret key may be combined with the unique ID....