大家首先注意到本文的题目: Power of Deep Learning forChannel Estimation and Signal Detectionin OFDM Systems。 顾名思义, 本文作者的中心思想就是:用神经网络来代替传统通信中的信道估计和信号检测部分。需要注意的是, 作者不是使用两个独立的神经网络,分别完成信道估计和信号检测, 而是直接用一个神经网络来同时...
【深度学习与无线通信:论文阅读】:Power of Deep Learning for Channel Estimation and Signal Detection in OFDM Systems,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
A comparative study of deep learning and iterative algorithms for joint channel estimation and signal detection in OFDM systems We create a benchmark for the task of joint channel estimation and signal detection.Deep learning methods perform better in the more challenging low-SNR se... H Ju,H ...
VanillaNet: the Power of Minimalism in Deep Learning-深度学习中的极简主义 摘要:基础模型的核心理念是“更多就是不同”,这在计算机视觉和自然语言处理领域取得了惊人的成功。然而,Transformer模型的优化挑战和内在复杂性需要转向简单的范式。在本研究中,我们介绍了VanillaNet,一种拥抱设计优雅的神经网络架构。通过避免...
The_power_of_deep_work_深度工作的力量 Crazy English 2024.2同源高考卡尔·纽波特写的《深度工作》一书告诉我们,在无干扰的专注状态下进行 的专业活动可以推动认知能力的极限,从而创造更有价值的事物和意义丰富的生活。主题语境:工作 篇幅:333词 建议用时:7分钟 The power of deep work 深度工...
PCIe standard card form factor, the Atlas 300 is designed for data center and edge servers. It supports multiple data precisions and delivers up to 64 TOPS of INT8 on a single card, a threefold lead over competing products, and provides superior computing power for deep learning and ...
The Power and Limits of Deep LearningArtificial intelligence (AI) is advancing very rapidly. I've had a front-row seat for a lot of...doi:10.1080/08956308.2018.1516928Yann LeCunIndustrial Research Institute, Inc.Research Technology Management...
Deep Learning需要使用大量数据来提取具有辨别能力的feature,但是在单目标跟踪领域,可用的训练数据仅有一帧,虽然现在使用的都是预训练的模型,但是模型仍然需要处理从来没有见过的数据和类型; 单目标跟踪算法在跟踪过程中需要以自身的跟踪结果作为下一帧跟踪的起始位置,因此,跟踪的准确性非常重要,而Deep learning学习得到的...
Each time the subject turns to DNNs these days, the discussion rarely fails to refer to the mystery behind some of the wondrous things deep learning is able to achieve. "The deep, mysterious thing that we still don't understand," Chilimbi says, "is how does a DNN, where all you're ...
1.背景介绍 人工智能(AI)已经成为现代科学技术的一个重要领域,其中深度学习(Deep Learning)是其中的一个重要技术。深度学习是一种通过模拟人类大脑结构和学习过程...