Eldridge, David Austin (Knoxville, TN, US) Rogers, Brandon J. (Knoxville, TN, US) Application Number: 15/983810 Publication Date: 08/01/2023 Filing Date: 05/18/2018 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: EATON INTELLIGENT POWER LIMITED (Dublin, IE) International...
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Barnes & Thornburg LLP (Hill-Rom) (Indianapolis, INDIANA, US) Claims: 1.(canceled) 2.A person support apparatus comprisinga frame,a patient support deck coupled to the frame and having at least one movable deck section, anda siderail coupled to the movable deck se...
WASHINGTON – Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that recent killings show the need for a tougher U.S. hate crimes law to stop “violence masquerading as political activism.” [Uh huh, here’s the blurry, twisty, subjective, Jew-logic merging the two concepts of “violence” = politic...
Attorney, Agent or Firm: MARTIN J. SKINNER, PATENT AGENT (KNOXVILLE, TN, US) Claims: I claim: 1. A system for rotating a drive mechanism which can be connected to an electrical generator or the like, said system comprising: a reservoir means for containing a volume of liquid such as wa...
The wet form of the compound is heated within the reaction chamber such that elements of the compound dissociate and react, with one reaction product comprising hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas is processed to generate electrical power. Inventors: Weaver, Samuel C. (Knoxville, TN, US) Weaver, ...