To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. Eckhart Tolle The ego’s needs are endless. It feels vulnerable and threatened and so lives in a state of fear and want. Eckhart Tolle T...
There is tremendous power in acceptance. To fully accept suffering and misfortune frees you from fear. @TheStoicEmperor When this is all over, the middle path – the one we grew impatient of and bored with – is going to seem so deeply appealing.Alain de Botton We don’t really learn an...
2006b), this paper attempts to delineate the permeation and maintenance of disciplinary power in the social structure and assertion of patriarchal politics in the subjugation of Dalit female bodies. The detrimental politics of patriarchal discourse, the paper argues, degrades the existence...
With Bobarishora and the witch doctor as allies, Bruce began to achieve acceptance in the tribe. Over the next four years he learned the Motilone language and set about translating the New Testament into their language, putting to use his knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Bobarishora,...
Acceptance: (350)宽容 在这个能级,一个巨大的转变会发生,那就是了解到自己才是自己命运的主宰,自己才是自己生活的创造者。低于200能级的人则是没有力量的,通常视自己为受害者,完全受生活所左右。这个看法的根源是,认为一个人的幸福和苦难来自某个“外在”的东西。在宽容的能级,没有什么“外在”能让一个人快乐...
Innovations in artificial intelligence are clearing a path for mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies. Dmytro SpilkaandRachel McVearryFeb. 21, 2025 Financial Advisors Impact of Net Investment Income Tax These strategic solutions can help high earners minimize net investment income tax and protect their...
Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes. Market data provided by Xignite. Fund data provided by Xignite and Morningstar. See Disclaimer. Contact U.S. News Best Stocks. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Investing Terms and Conditions of Use. Sponsored Brokers 1 Interactive Brokers Ac...
Surrealism: This artistic and literary movement, led by figures like Salvador Dalí and André Breton, paved the way for the acceptance of the fantastical in serious art and literature. Cultural and Philosophical Underpinnings The roots of magical realism can also be traced back to indigenous folklor...
Brutus's uncritical acceptance of the Roman ideal both results from and reinforces the confusions in language which make him obtuse to the real terms of Cassius's appeal. The real strengths of Cassius's argument are thus weaknesses in Brutus's character—his concern with reputation and app...
Marriage is to me apostasy, profanation of the sanctuary of my soul, violation of my manhood, sale of my birthright, shameful surrender, ignominious capitulation, acceptance of defeat. — George Bernard Shaw 13 Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity ...