特色应用 Smart meters and energy metering solutions Discover ST's solutions for smart meters and design of smart metering systems. 精选 产品 Powerline communication development toolset Opens access to field-proven G3-PLC chipset STKNX, miniature KNX certified transceiver ...
Powerline Communication Solution Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Document Number: 001-50001 Rev *G Revised October 6, 2009 Features ■ Integrated Powerline Modem PHY
Power Line Communication (PLC) aliases include power line carrier, PDSL, PLT, PLN, mains communication, and BPL...
(LSB = odd parity), even though most powerline bridges seem to ignore it */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) netkey[i] = deskeyparity(digest[i]); } break; #ifndef LINUX case 'b': strncpy(bpfn, optarg, 32); break; #endif case '?': case 'h': default: usage(); exit(0);...
电力线通信(Power Line Communication,英文简称PLC)技术是指利用电力线传输数据和媒体信号的一种通信方式[1] 。该技术是把载有信息的高频加载于电流然后用电线传输接受信息的适配器再把高频从电流中分离出来并传送到计算机或电话以实现信息传递。 电力线通信全称是电力线载波(Power Line Carrier – PLC)通信,是指利用...
电线通信(Power Line Communication)维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
PDF Tools Share Abstract Power line communication, that is, using the electricity infrastructure for data transmission, is experiencing a renaissance in the context of Smart Grid. Smart Grid objectives include the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the electricity supply chain, secu...
摘要: This article provides an overview of the recent advances in the characterization and modeling of power-line communication (PLC) channels in transportation systems. The salient aspects of the topological and functional features of the data channels us......
电力线通信技术(Power Line Communication)简称PLC,是指利用电力线传输数据和话音信号的一种通信方式。由于该技术发展已有几十年历史,故其技术本身而言已非常成熟,目前在多种场合使用的低速(1200bps以下)电力载波已很普遍。 该技术在不需要重新布线的基础上,在现有电线上实现数据、语音和视频等多业务的承载,最终可实现...
PLC(Power Line Communication)耦合变压器是电力线通信系统中的重要组成部分,它具有以下特点:1. 信号耦合:PLC 耦合变压器能够有效地将电力线中的高频信号与工频电力信号进行耦合,实现信号在电力线中的传输。2. 高频特性:它通常具有良好的高频特性,能够在较高的频率范围内保持较低的损耗和较高的传输效率。3. ...