Power Limit Throttling(功耗限制调节),这一项显示Yes应该是说明处理器已经超过你设置的最大功率,它会自动降低功率到你设置的值。——这个应该跟你在主板BIOS内设置的PL1、PL2值有关。
功耗墙限制power..玩游戏时间长就开始降频,PL1 60W,PL2 90W,温度不超过75度,XTU显示撞功耗墙,这个怎么解决,是不是要调pl1和pl2,要调多少好呢。正常45W左右,降频后最高只能到11w,频率1点
The Power Limit Throttling is probably due to the Long Duration Package Power Limit setting in the BIOS, typically this is set to AUTO. If you go to Advanced->Ai Tweaker->Internal CPU Power Management->Long Duration Package Power Limit in the BIOS it will show the setting. If it is AUTO...
power limi..英特尔最新活动卷→https://u.jd.com/awHsSBc索泰最新活动卷→https://u.jd.com/aMHsPJ8七彩虹活动卷→https://u.jd.com/aIHsJnn技嘉旗舰
If your CPU frequency is being reduced under load, even at low temperatures (below 90°C), then you probably havepower limit throttling. Here’s how to disable those power limits. Warning:disabling your power limits may cause your computer to run at levels of power beyond its design. Make...
hi so with last update , xmp disable and stock settings everything run smoothly if i open xtu and run stress test with avx2 i only got Current/edp limit throttling and my cpu with heavy stress got max 94º c , but not thermal throttling Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply C...
echo 15000000 | tee /sys/devices/virtual/powercap/intel-rapl/intel-rapl:0/constraint_0_power_limit_uw That is 15w. Seems like system for some reason keeps lowering it to 5 or 6 watt, so I will have to set up some script to monitor ...
Turbo attenuation不显示触发,而Max Turbo Limit会显示Yes。所以这两者的关系就是,Max Turbo Limit告诉...