必应词典为您提供powerlaws的释义,网络释义: 统计学中幂律;幂定律;统计学中幂率;
A power law is a special mathematical relationship between two quantities in which one quantity varies as a power of the other. Numerous examples of power laws occur in nature, for example, the frequency of any word in a language is inversely proportional to its ranking in a frequency table....
A power law is the form taken by a remarkable number of regularities in economics, and is a relation of the type Y = kXα, where Y and X are variables of interest, α is called the power law exponent, and k is a constant. Many economic laws take the form
A power law is the form taken by a remarkable number of regularities in economics, and is a relation of the typeY=kXα, whereYandXare variables of interest,αis called the power law exponent, andkis a constant. Many economic laws take the form of power laws, in particular macroeconomic ...
log-periodic power laws的公式乍一看很吓人,不知道如何理解。 其实,它就分为两个部分,一个部分是power law,一个部分是log-periodic 来自论文[1] 其中红色框是power law,蓝色框是log-periodic,这样分解后,这个公式就好理解多了。 接下来就是搞清楚为什么第一部分是power law,第二部分是log-periodic。
Power laws in 3D systems Similar power laws are observed in 3D systems (Fig.4), which further confirms that the FPL,d < D, requires two length scales in the potential. 3DHH and 3DWCA glasses exhibit the normal power laws withd = 3.0 = D(Fig.4a, b) similar to their ...
A review of power laws in real life phenomena Carla M.A. Pinto, ... J.A. Tenreiro Machado, in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2012 1 Introduction Power law (PL) distributions, also known as heavy tail distributions, Pareto-like laws, or Zipf-like laws, have ...
the biological and non-biological empirical data, describes the statistical uses of Taylor’s power law (TPL) and its relationship to statistical distributions, exposes the mathematical connections to other power laws, covers the competing explanatory models; and develops an argument for TPL's genesis...
1991. Power laws: Minutes from an infinite paradise. Google Scholar Goel, Sharad, Andrei Broder, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, and Bo Pang. 2010. Anatomy of the long tail: Ordinary people with extraordinary tastes. In Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Web search and data mining,...
A power law (PL), also known as a scaling law, is the form taken by a remarkable number of regularities or ‘laws’ in economics, and is a relation of the type Y = kXα, where Y and X are variables of interest, α is called the power law exponent,...