the power-law exponent increased with the number of hidden layers. For the largest dataset, the obtained test error was estimated to be in the proximity of state-of-the-art algorithms for large epoch numbers. Power-law scaling assists with key challenges found in current artificial intelligence...
We calculated the Hurst exponent H and the power-law scaling exponent B for event size data in the LRCS model. We systematically explored the relationships between these two exponents ( H and B) and conclusively obtained a negative correlation between H and B. We also found this negative ...
Furthermore, it is critical to understand how cell size affects the exponent in power-law scaling. We find that a bigger exponent will result from an increase in the average weight of organ cells or a decrease in the average weight of all cells. Furthermore, cell proliferation dynamics ...
Power-law scaling to assist with key challenges in artificial intelligence Authors Yuval Meir, Shira Sardi, Shiri Hodassman, Karin Kisos, Itamar Ben-Noam, Amir Goldental, Ido Kanter Power-law scaling, a central concept in critical phenomena, is found to be useful in deep learning, where ...
Such spectral peaks, dual-exponent structures, andpower-law scaling in heavy tails are important structural information, buttheir relations to turbulence and mesoscale variability require furtherinvestigations. This could lead to a better understanding of the processescontrolling air quality....
A universal power-law scaling exponent for fracture apertures in sandstones A high-resolution data set of kinematic aperture (opening displacement) of opening-mode fractures, from large (up to 2 m long) quartz-cemented sandstone samples, shows that microfractures are ubiquitous and that most natural...
The derivation was done for the cost function of a general form, and relies only on the scaling of signal propagation velocity with the axon caliber. Existing experimental data on myelinated axons is consistent with the law but shows significant spread in the branching exponent. The observed ...
The power-law scaling between body mass and organ weight was produced by the synchronous exponential increments and the allometric exponent is rate of logarithmic cell proliferation rate. Substituting organ weight for erythrocyte weight aided in the development of a power-law scaling relationship between...
3.3.2 Power law The power law exponent (sometimes called the power law coefficient or simply ‘alpha’) is a number that characterizes the rate at which wind speed changes with height above ground. It is a parameter in the power law, which states that the wind speed varies with the height...
yields an exponent of 2.21(12) in accord with the theoretical value of 2.162 for energies up to about 2 eV. This is a much shorter range of validity than in the case of Ne, which has a range of about 5 eV. Again, a secondary power law could not be found (Bluett et al., 2004)...