今天要讲的文章是OSDI 2012年的一篇文章,PowerGraph:Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation on Natural Graphs。本文主要想解决的问题就是:现有的图数据,如社交网络、Web网页等都是一种Power-law幂律图的特征。所谓Power-law幂律图就是指在图数据中顶点的度数分配不均匀。有的图顶点的度数很高,有的顶点度数很低。并...
幂律Power-law graph can be segmented into a skeleton graph and several sub trees with recursively hung vertexes filetering.Skeleton sub-graph is a set of relatively important vertexes with high degree,sub trees are just in the opposite situation.Power-law characteristic guarantees the non-uniform...
We analyze our adapted routing scheme based on the theory of unweighted random power-law graphs with fixed expected degree sequence by Aiello, Chung, and Lu. Our result is the first theoretical bound coupled to the parameter of the power-law graphmodel for a compact routing scheme. In ...
Power-Law Graph Cuts 来自 zhou15b.pdf 喜欢 0 阅读量: 63 作者:X Zhou,J Zhang,B Kulis 摘要: Algorithms based on spectral graph cut objectives such as normalized cuts, ratio cuts and ratio association have become popular in recent years because they are widely applicable and simple to ...
“Random”graphwith“powerlaw”degreesequence. 8 STRUCTURALRANDOMGRAPHMODEL Given Chooserandomperfectmatchingover Bollobas80s,Molloy&Reed90s,Chung00s,Sigcomm/Infocom00s minivertices 9 Given Chooserandomperfectmatchingover STRUCTURALRANDOMGRAPHMODEL Bollobas80s,Molloy&Reed90s,Chung00s,Sigcomm/Infocom00s mini...
[OSDI 12] PoweGraph: 分布式图并行计算框架 学习总结 的问题就是:现有的图数据,如社交网络、Web网页等都是一种Power-law幂律图的特征。所谓Power-law幂律图就是指在图数据中顶点的度数分配不均匀。有的图顶点的度数很高,有的顶点度数很低。并且...我们来看一下自然图到底有什么特征。 2.1Power-LawDegreeDistr...
We propose a random graph model which is a special case of sparserandom graphs with given degree sequences which satisfy a power law. This model involves only a small number of paramo eters, called logsize and log-log growth rate. These parameters capture some universal characteristics of ...
However, existing solutions only partially exploit a key characteristic of natural graphs commonly found in the real-world: their highly skewed power-law degree distributions. In this paper, we propose High-Degree (are) Replicated First (HDRF), a novel streaming vertex-cut graph partitioning ...
In this work we devise algorithmic techniques to compare the interconnection structure of the Internet AS graph with that of graphs produced by topology generators that match the power-law degree distribution of the AS graph. We are guided by the existing notion that nodes in the AS graph can ...
Many graphs arising in various information networks exhibit the "power law" behavior –the number of vertices of degree k is proportional to k -β for some positive β. We show that if β > 2.5, the largest eigenvalue of a random power law graph is almost surely $ (1+ o(1))sqrt{m...