>import powerlaw >fit = powerlaw.Fit(data) #对导入的数据data进行幂律拟合 >fit.power_law.alpha #拟合得到幂律分布幂指数alpha 2.273 >fit.distribution_compare(‘power_law’, ‘exponential’) #与指数分布对比得到对数似然比和p值 (12.755, 0.152) powerlaw库更容易绘制概率密度函数(PDF)、累积分布函数...
This is a python implementation of a power-law distribution fitter. The code here was originally hosted on agpy but was moved and re-packaged to make setup.py cleaner. API Documentation See also https://github.com/jeffalstott/powerlaw, an alternate implementation of the same algorithm with ad...
powerlaw: A Python Package for Analysis of Heavy-Tailed Distributions (vol 9, e85777, 2014) Plenz. powerlaw: A python package for analysis of heavy-tailed distributions. PLoS ONE, 9(1), 01.J. Alstott, E. Bullmore, D. Plenz, powerlaw: ... J Alstott - 《Plos One》 被引量: 0发表...
的问题就是:现有的图数据,如社交网络、Web网页等都是一种Power-law幂律图的特征。所谓Power-law幂律图就是指在图数据中顶点的度数分配不均匀。有的图顶点的度数很高,有的顶点度数很低。并且...我们来看一下自然图到底有什么特征。 2.1Power-LawDegreeDistribution 下面我们来看一下,NaturalGraph这种图到底有什么...
Finally, we demonstrate that the mixture of these transportationmode distributions is a power-law distribution based on two new findings:first, there is a significant positive correlation between consecutive flightsin the same transportation mode and second, the elapsed time in each transportationmode ...
Python Shows the Bitcoin & Kaspa power law price channels pythoncryptobitcoinethereumregressioncryptocurrencybtcethpowerlawbitcoin-priceprice-predictionbitcoin-price-predictionprice-modelpower-lawkaspalog-log-graphspower-law-analysisbitcoin-price-analysisbtc-tool ...
在下文中一共展示了powerlaw_cluster_graph函数的15个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的Python代码示例。 示例1: initialize ▲点赞 7▼ definitialize():globalgglobalwrglobalfglobalinitialConditions ...
Power-law(幂律分布)是一种在自然界和社会科学中广泛观察到的现象,描述的是事件发生的频率与其大小之间的关系。具体来说,在幂律分布中,事件发生的频率与其大小成幂函数关系,通常表示为 f(x) = k * x^(-α),其中 f(x) 是事件 x 发生的频率,k 是常数,α 是幂律指数。
Python R Run R scripts Use R in Query Editor Use an external R IDE Create visuals with R packages Connect to Snowflake in the Power BI service Connect to SSAS multidimensional models Connect to Analysis Services tabular data Connect to data sources with DirectQuery Connect to SAP Business Wareho...
>fit = powerlaw.Fit(data)#对导入的数据data进行幂律拟合 >fit.power_law.alpha#拟合得到幂律分布幂指数alpha 2.273 >fit.distribution_compare(‘power_law’, ‘exponential’)#与指数分布对比得到对数似然比和p值 (12.755, 0.152) powerlaw库能容易绘制概率密度函数(PDF)、累积分布函数(CDF)和互补累积分布函...