The Scripture for E-SWORD E-SWORD The Sword Project Search Blue Letter Bible Study Tools THECovenant Hebrew Verbal Patterns The Bible's History Quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures in the Greek Eye Witness Reports Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius ...
. devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching, and to teaching. --I Timothy 4:13 There is such power in the Word Spoken, it slits Open hearts Read, it rips And uproots our defenses It proceeds like a blast of hot light From the mouth of the one who handles it...
Scripture power: Expansive collection represents personal testimony, LDS historyAaron Shill Mormon Times
As we SEEK HIS FACE we will receive POWER FROM ON HIGH just as the Apostles did in the New Testament. Even the Old Testament has scriptures where the leaders of Israel called for a fast and turned to SEEK THE FACE OF GOD. Every time they did this, THE LORD gave them miracles. When...
Our needs here in the present are also addressed as we look to him–our Emmanuel (God with us), our Wisdom from on high, our great Lord of might, and more. As noted last week, the unknown lyricist carefully based each stanza on scripture. You’ll find a number of references listed ...
[Old English word; related to Old High German wort, Old Norse orth, Gothic waurd, Latin verbum, Sanskrit vratá command] Word (wɜːd) n 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity the 2nd person of the Trinity 2. (Theology) Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or represen...
the Godhead transcends and exceeds every mode of Power however conceived. For often Scripture attributes the Dominion to the Godhead and thus distinguishes It even from the Celestial Powers.[421]In what sense, then, do the Sacred Writers speak of It also as Power when It transcends all...
The more a person concentrates on the most important, the interior, the true, the more time he has to read the Gospel, the Holy Scripture, the works of the holy fathers, and especially fathom their wisdom and aversion to idle chatter. It is a great thing to acquire power over the ton...
26 One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with him? 27 Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew. 28 Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: and it was early; an...
Lord, be a high wall about Donald Trump and be his strong tower! Be a mighty defense against all evil and all danger from without and within. Let Your glory shine over him and around him as You guide him to be Your faithful servant and helper of many. Turn aside all evil sorceries ...