a phase is different over a wide range in a high-frequency power-supply apparatus in which high-frequency power which is always in a resonance state by controlling an inverter is supplied to a load comprising an LCR series resonance circuit in a high-frequency circuit such as a tank circuit...
harmonicspollution,lowerpowerfactor,largeroutputripple,slowerdynamicresponseandsoon.Meanwhile,ithasthe capacityof1KHZmodulation.Furthermore,thesimulationsoftheSimplorerSoftwareandtheresultsofexperiment areprovidedtoverifytheaccuracyoftheproposeddesignmethod. Keywords:ECRH(ElectronCyclotronResonanceHeating);HighVoltageDCPowe...
Bleeder Circuit Control CC Priority Data Logger Dual-Range DVM External Analog Control and Monitor Function Inter-Channel serial/Parallel Auto Wiring IR Setting Key Lock Monitor & Alarm Multi-Range Output On/Off Delay Function Preset Memory Function Pulse Current Measurement Remote...
The power factor (p.f) correction is shown in Fig.6.The proposed soft-switched Vienna rectifier circuit achieves an input current with low harmonic content, since the displacement p.f is 0.9952 and total harmonic distortion of input current (THDI) is 4.36%. ...
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Short tethers act as a bulk LCR circuit, but longer tethers are more like a transmission line with distributed LCR attributes. Simulation of the tether can assist in dealing with the transmission line effects, particularly with regards to input surges during initial switch on. Correct termination ...
utilizing digital control, users can be fully familiarized with power converter structure by five procedures, including circuit design, PSIM analog circuit simulation, PSIM digital circuit simulation, digital control circuit directly producing C code and it is burned into DSP, and PTS hand-on ...
(will be discussed in the following section), which further improves the paralleling capability. The capacitance between the gate and the anode is also increased, which may reduce the Q factor of LCR series circuit during paralleling turn off. Hence the turn-off oscillation problem may be ...
Since the load operating frequency and power source voltage can be regarded as exogenous variables for the dynamism of an LCR circuit in the operating circuit or as external parameters outside the system of the invention, a change of them gives no influence on the fundamental dynamism of the LC...