英语翻译Power Distance cultural values that determine the prominence of status and position(PDI) comaine tn influence the authority structure of business怎么翻译? 答案 1.Power Distance Index权力距离指数.(权力距离指数是指一种特定文化中重视和尊重权威的程度,由荷兰心理学家吉特霍夫斯泰德提出来的.中国韩国...
PDI中文叫做权力距离指数,指人们对待比自己更高等级阶层的态度,特别是指普罗大众对权威的重视和尊重程度。我一直觉得PDI在探讨中英文化差异的时候是一个很有意思的话题。刚来英国的时候,上课发现同学们就直接叫老师名字,老师讲到一半同学就插嘴:Mark,can you say that again? (马克你说的我没听懂,...
PDI中文叫做权力距离指数,指人们对待比自己更高等级阶层的态度,特别是指普罗大众对权威的重视和尊重程度。我一直觉得PDI在探讨中英文化差异的时候是一个很有意思的话题。 刚来英国的时候,上课发现同学们就直接叫老师名字,老师讲到一半同学就插嘴:Mark,can you say that again? (马克你说的我没听懂,再说一遍。)再...
The power-distance index (PDI) is a measurement of the acceptance of a hierarchy of power and wealth by the individuals who make up the general population of a nation, culture, or business. Developed by Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede, the PDI ultimately provides insight into the exten...
PowerDistanceIndex 权利距离指数 PowerDistanceIndex •Definition:Theextenttowhichthelesspowerfulmembersoforganizationsandinstitutionsacceptandexpectthatpowerisdistributedunequally.2 PowerDistanceIndex •Itfocusesonthedegreeofequality,orinequality,betweenpeopleinthecountry'ssociety.•AHighPowerDistancerankingindicates...
1.meaning of power distance index Power distance index is defined by Geert Hofstede as the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed equally. Dutch sociologist Geert Hofstede developed The Power-Distance Index(PDI)which meas...
Power Distance Index 1-2021-4041-6061-8081-100101-120 CountryPDIIDVMASUAILTO Malaysia104265036 Guatemala95637101 Panama95114486 Philippines9432644419 Mexico81306982 Venezuela81127376 China80206640118 Egypt80385268 Iraq80385268 Kuwait80385268 Lebanon80385268
移民必知:不同国家的PDI值不同及相应的社会生活差异 2024-05-25 12:58:2416:263076 所属专辑:在加拿大,有所思 喜欢下载分享 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 王立l辛上邪 61671.1万 简介:王立(辛上邪)博士,弃商从文的自由写作者。主张视界才是世界;提倡人生不易,要以积极的心态自娱自乐。
Distribution of PDI Distribution of PDI The Arabic The Arabic--speaking nations, Latin America, speaking nations, Latin America, Russia and nearly all of Asia, esp. India and Russia and nearly all of Asia, esp. India and China are high power distance. China are high power distance. ...
Power distance index (PDI)regional differencesIndonesiaThe energy needs in Indonesia are supplied by fossil fuels (coal, gas, and oil) up to 93% in quantity. These fossil fuels have bad impact to the environment and also have limited supplies. Hence, the requirement to replace all of those ...