ElectricGuitar PowerChords Short eString » mfMetal short pwrchrd Estr E来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: mikey_eff 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: Short E power chord played on the Estring. Ibanez electric guitar through BOSS GT3 multieffects....
ElectricGuitar PowerChords PalmMute eString » mfMetal palmmute pwrchrd Estr E来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: mikey_eff 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: Palm muted E power chord played on the Estring. Ibanez electric guitar through BOSS GT3 multieffects....
Power chords are a basic element of modern electric guitar playing. They are found throughout all genres of contemporary music, and feature heavily in rock, alternative, punk and metal guitar, because they will still sound clear, bold and full through an overdriven or distorted amplifier. A po...
Power Riffer is a unique sample library of electric guitar for Kontakt. It can’t play arpeggios or solos. It does not have dozens of techniques for sound extraction or adjusting the angle of the mediator’s position. But it can play POWER CHORDS and does it best of all! As the instrume...
47 Sales Rank in Electric Guitar Preamps Need help?Bundles & offers Kemper Profiling Amplifier Pow Bundle $1,499 The new generation of guitar amplifiers! For a long time now, many guitar amp manufacturers have been on a quest to pack the sound of the world’s most legendary amplifiers ...
ChordsGuitarUkulelePiano D 1 of 18 G 1 of 27 F# 1 of 16 Bb 1 of 16 C 1 of 17 Strumming There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Create and get +5 IQ [Intro] D G D G D G D G D G D G G F# e|---3---3-|---3---3-|---3---3-|-3\2--2-2-2-| ...
Your #1 resource for Guitar Pro tabs, Power Tabs, Chords, Sheet music, for Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano with over 400.000 tabs available.
Power chords are a great addition to any guitar chord arsenal, and they sound great. These chords have gotten plenty of stage time with every Rock, Punk and Metal band imaginable, but those aren’t the only genres that they’re good for!
The track turns to the pentatonic scale for the chorus, where its blues rock progression is augmented by the use of electric guitar power chords played in consecutive fifths. A la tornada la cançó passa a una escala pentatònica, on la progressió de blues rock augmenta amb l'ús de...
ElectricGuitar PowerChords Short dString » mfMetal short pwrchrd Dstr C来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: mikey_eff 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: Short C power chord played on the Dstring. Ibanez electric guitar through BOSS GT3 multieffects....