MacintoshPowerBookG3Series“Wallstreet”来自1998年3月,是第二代PowerBookG3,也是一代有先进意义的机型。相比前辈PowerBook们,它采用了全新的,更「圆滑」的外观设计,以及引进了一些全新的先进概念。它也是我收到的第二款OldWorldMac电脑。 MacintoshPowerBookG3Series“Wallstreet”系列共有三款机型,分别采用12寸,...
Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series “Wallstreet”来自1998年3月,是第二代PowerBook G3,也是一代有先进意义的机型。相比前辈PowerBook们,它采用了全新的,更「圆滑」的外观设计,以及引进了一些全新的先进概念。它…
Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series是第二代PowerBook G3,一代全新设计的PowerBook系列,也是最末一代的Old World ROM PowerBook。它们对应桌面端的「Gossamer」Power Macintosh G3电脑。 第一版推出的Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series,1998年5月推出的「Wallstreet」,有三种屏幕大小:12寸STN,13寸TFT和14寸TFT;而第二...
PowerBook G3 Series - Technical Specifications Logic Board Ports Power Processor: G3, 233 PMMU: integrated FPU: integrated Data Path: 64-bit, 66/83 MHz L1 Cache: 64K L2 Cache: 512K 2nd Processor: none Slots: 2 Type II PC Card (1Type III) Cardbus ...
Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series “Wallstreet”是1998年发布的一款第二代PowerBook G3机型。作为一款有创新意义的机型,它采用了全新的外观设计,并引入了一些先进概念。作为我收到的第二款Old World Mac电脑,这款设备具有一定的历史价值。PowerBook G3 Series系列共有三款机型,分别配备12寸、13寸和...
PowerBook G3 Series - Technical Specifications Logic Board Ports Power Processor: G3, 233 PMMU: integrated FPU: integrated Data Path: 64-bit, 66/83 MHz L1 Cache: 64K L2 Cache: 512K 2nd Processor: none Slots: 2 Type II PC Card (1Type III) Cardbus ...
Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series Slim. Stunning. Superfast. With PowerPC G3 processors running at up to 400 megahertz, and an even thinner and lighter design, the new Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series gives you the ultimate combination of performance and mobility. And with dual-battery capabilities, ...
1998年的Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series "Wallstreet"作为第二代PowerBook G3,以其独特设计和创新元素而著称。这款12寸屏幕版本作为入门型号,其性能并不出色,主频仅为233MHz,屏幕分辨率仅为800×600,采用STN而非TFT技术,且缺少背侧二级缓存。它的配置包括:左侧的风扇出风口、RJ-11接口(无内置...
PowerBook G3笔记本电脑黑白设计主板芯片组苹果电脑公司我们所说的PowerBook G3笔记本包括两个版本PowerBook G3 Series和PowerBook G3 Senes(rev.2)这两个版本都同属于苹果"大黑家族",由于其经典的黑白设计直到今天他依旧成为众多苹果用户的话题.VIP数字技术与应用...
About this book series Electrical power has been the technological foundation of industrial societies for many years. Although the systems designed to provide and apply electrical energy have reached a high degree of maturity, unforeseen problems are constantly encountered, necessitating the design of mor...