適用於:Power BI 報表產生器 Power BI Desktop當您在Power BI 編頁報表中軸上顯示正確格式化的DateTime值時,圖表會自動將這些值顯示為天。 若要為 X 軸指定日期/時間間隔 (例如月份或小時的間隔),您必須格式化軸標籤,並將軸間隔的類型設定為有效的日期或時間間隔。
Power BI Desktop 基于坐标的图表类型(柱形图、条形图、面积图、点状图、折线图和范围图)有两个用于分类和显示分页报表中的数据关系的轴。 不同类型的格式设置将应用于每个轴。 可以使用“轴属性”对话框或“属性”窗格来设置轴的格式。 右键单击要设置其格式的轴,然后单击“轴属性”可以更改轴...
不同字段的层次结构,并将其用作Power BI的切片器。41 Play Axis像动态切片器一样工作,它可以在没有任何用户交互的情况下激活您的其他功能视觉效果。(参考:利用这个控件,轻松制作带播放轴的条形图)42 Chiclet slicerChiclet是由按钮制成的切片器,也可以水平排列以超紧凑形式的矩阵排列,作为其他视觉效果的画布内过滤器...
We always recommend that you use the most recent version of Power BI Desktop, rather than a previous version. All previous versions have the following limitations:Previous releases of Power BI Desktop are not being serviced - you should always use the most recent release for the latest features...
Power BI 中的 Azure 地圖服務 矩陣視覺效果 Power Apps 視覺效果 R 視覺效果 使用R 建立 Power BI 視覺效果 下載並使用 R 支援的 Power BI 視覺效果 星形量測計圖表 功能區圖表 散佈圖、泡泡圖與點圖 高密度折線圖取樣 散佈圖中的高密度取樣 建立小倍數 與小倍數互動 報表與儀表板中的資料表 樹狀圖 瀑布...
Data Label and Axis Formatting We will see how we can configure some of the important properties related to Power BI charts, including x-axis, y-axis, title, and data labels. Let’s get started. Note The below configurations and steps are applicable to both Power BI desktop and Power BI...
Utility Menu: Change Panel layout and scale (Y axis) on the fly Interaction: Enlarge Panels and interactive legends Axis label customization: Rotate, Word wrap, Nth label and Stepped labels to support long labels Advanced conditional formatting: visually highlights outliers based on different rules ...
Power BI takes center stage at FabCon from March 31 to April 2, 2025. With the inaugural Power BI DataViz World Championship, 24 Breakouts, 5 pre- and post-conference workshops, plus the famous Power Hour, we have an exciting schedule for every Power BI enthusiast!
Applies to:Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS)Power BI Report BuilderReport Designer in SQL Server Data Tools Learn to change the number of labels and tick marks on the category (x) axis in a chart by setting the axis interval in a paginated report. ...
Add multiple fields to the axis to accommodate your specific needs. 2. Canvas-based Method Begin by adding a field from the right-side panel to the report canvas. By default, Power BI’s table visualization appears, enabling you to easily manipulate and interact with it. ...