其中,WEEKNUM函数和WEEKDAY函数的第二个参数,可以切换每周第一天是周几,2代表周一,1代表周日;每周第一天的日期是用当前日期减去周几与周一的间隔得到的。 STEP 2使用RANK函数新增年周序号和周序号。 年周序号: YearWeek_Order = RANK( DENSE, ALL(Dim_Date[Year],Dim_Date[WeekOfYear]), ORDERBY([Year],ASC...
在PowerBI中,使用微软原生的矩阵视觉对象就可以轻松做出日历看板。 举例 有如下排班表,需要在日历看板中展示每天的值班人员: 操作步骤 STEP 1 准备日期表,包含日历看板所需的字段,年月(YearMonth)、周数(WeekName)、一周第几天(DayOfWeek)、星期(DayOfWeekName_CN)、日(Day)等。然后,将日期表与排班表建立关系。
Power BI uses dates in visualizations extensively. Power BI automatically recognizes data columns and creates hierarchies by week, month, and year. You can use these hierarchies as standard. However, the solution architect should consider the creation of a date, calendar, or table, and then link ...
Power BI lets you create personalized dashboards and reports to monitor the key metrics of your business, at-a-glance. All you needed to do was to fire up your browser and navigate to your Power BI dashboard. Today we’re making this even better. With today’s update, we have enabled...
在Power BI 中创建报表时,一个常见的业务需求是根据日期和时间进行计算。 组织希望了解其业务在几个月、几个季度、会计年度等期间的表现。 因此,正确设置这些时间导向的值的格式至关重要。 Power BI 可自动检测日期列和表;但是,在某些情况下,您需要采取额外步骤才能获取组织所要求格式的日期。
This is the first of our “What’s new in Power BI this week” post; we are going to be doing this on a weekly basis, calling out new features and improvements to Power BI. We are excited to announce the following additions this week: ...
This week come along with me and Flow MVP Serge Luca as we introduce you to the Power BI Connector inside of Microsoft Flow.We cover all of the triggers and actions as well as some future capabilities as well!Please feel free to comment below, on Twitter or in our community!
Creating a Dynamic Measure to Count Work Days in Power BI If you have a large dataset with many months, you may want to create a dynamic measure that allows you to change the month easily. To do this, create a measure that takes a parameter as input and returns the number of workdays...
Report Builder maintains that ID, no matter what else you change about the report part. The ID links the original report item in your report to the report part. When other report authors reuse the report part, the ID also links the report part in their report to the report part on the...
In Exchange 2013, this example throttles the Calendar Repair Assistant to detect and repair calendar inconsistencies for the Mailbox server MBX02 in a 7-day period. During that 7-day period, all mailboxes will be scanned, and at the end of the period, the process will start over....