"星期名称" , FORMAT( [Date] , "AAAA" ) , "星期英文" , FORMAT( [Date] , "DDD" ) , "年度第几周" , WeekOfYear , "周编号", "W" & RIGHT( 0 & WeekOfYear , 2 ) , "年周" , Year & "W" & RIGHT( 0 & WeekOfYear , 2 ) , "日期编码" , Year * 10000 + Month * 100...
PowerBI中日期表的构建位置有两个: 一、可以在数据模型中用DAX构建 Calendar = --- VAR WeekNumberFlag = 2 // 1 - sunday , 2 - monday // 1 - Sunday (1) and ends on Saturday (7). numbered 1 through 7. // 2 - Monday (1) and ends on Sunday (7). // 3 - Monday (0) and en...
"星期英文" , FORMAT( [Date] , "DDD" ) , "年度第几周" , WeekOfYear , "周编号", "W" & RIGHT( 0 & WeekOfYear , 2 ) , "年周" , Year & "W" & RIGHT( 0 & WeekOfYear , 2 ) , "日期编码" , Year * 10000 + Month * 100 + Day 就可以得到一张下面的日期表: 当你需要建...
#"Inserted Month" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Quarter", "Month", each Date.Month([Date]), Int64.Type), #"Inserted Week of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Month", "WeekOfYear", each Date.WeekOfYear( [Date] , first_day_of_week ), Int64.Type), #"Inserted Week of Month" = ...
"月份", month, "日", day, "年度季度", year&quarter, "年度月份", year&month, "星期几", weekid 这一段代码中并没有指定起止日期,这就是CALENDARAUTO函数的厉害之处,它可以自动检测模型中其他表中所有日期,然后生成涵盖这些日期的整年日期表。
#"Inserted Week of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Month", "WeekOfYear", each Date.WeekOfYear( [Date] , first_day_of_week ), Int64.Type), #"Inserted Week of Month" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Week of Year", "WeekOfMonth", each Date.WeekOfMonth( [Date] ), Int64.Type),...
VAR weekid = WEEKDAY ( currentDay,2) RETURN ROW ( "年度", year , "季度",quarter, "月份", month, "日", day, "年度季度", year&quarter, "年度月份", year&month, "星期几", weekid 这一段代码中并没有指定起止日期,这就是CALENDARAUTO函数的厉害之处,它可以自动检测模型中其他表中所有日期...
VAR WeekOfYear = WEEKNUM( [Date] , WeekNumberType ) RETURN ROW ( "年" , Year , "季" , Quarter , "月" , Month , "日" , Day , "年度名称" , "Y" & Year , "季度名称" , "Q" & Quarter , "年度季度", Year & "Q" & Quarter , ...
DateInterval.WeekOfYear DateInterval.Month DateInterval.Quarter DateInterval.Year 例如,此運算式會顯示今天日期之目前年份的週數: =DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, today()) DateAdd函數在根據單一參數提供一個範圍的日期時很有用。 下列運算式提供在名為StartDate參數的日期六個月之後的日期。
YearMonth , "年月编号" , ( Year - YearStart )*12 + Month, "年度第几日" , INT( [Date] - DATE( Year , 1 , 1 ) + 1 ), "星期编号" , Weekday , "星期名称" , FORMAT( [Date] , "AAAA" ) , "星期英文" , FORMAT( [Date] , "DDD" ) , "年度第几周" , WeekOfYear , "...