瀑布图(Waterfall chart)也叫阶梯图、桥图,由咨询公司麦肯锡创造,是报告可视化中的常用图表。它是基于柱状图改造的,将变化量按照某一维度拆分成不同的柱子,首尾相连,正上负下,通过柱子的大小和颜色,直观地展示出维度中各个因素对总体变化影响的正负和大小。 在PowerBI中,瀑布图有3种常见的使用方法:构成、流程、增长。
Waterfall chart címkéjű bejegyzések Power BI September 2021 Feature Summary Features Power BI szeptember 21, 2021készítette:Jeroen ter Heerdt Welcome to the September 2021 update! It’s fall already and we have some fascinating new features to offer!
Benefits of Using a Horizontal Waterfall Chart in Power BI Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Horizontal Waterfall Chart in Power BI Choosing the Right Data for Your Chart Optimizing Your Waterfall Chart in Power BI for Maximum Impact Incorporating Visual Elements into Your Waterfall Chart in Power BI...
Power BI updates the waterfall chart with the data in the FiscalMonth category. The initial view of the category data shows the values in ascending order.Sort the waterfall chartWhen Power BI creates the waterfall chart, the data is displayed in ascending or chronological order for the category...
Learn Power BI Individual sign-up Work with data Connect to data documentation Transform, shape, and model data documentation Data refresh On-premises gateways DAX basics Create and manage relationships Create measures Create & share Create reports and dashboards documentation Collabora...
re thrilled to introduce our new card visual feature, which you can find in the core visual gallery. If you prefer, you can also access it as a preview feature underOptions>Preview features>New card visual. You can display multiple cards by dragging and dropping all fields or measures into...
Read the Power BI blog post, Power BI Report Server September 2024 Feature Summary for details.ReportingData limit Visuals, shapes and line enhancementsModelingDownload large semantic models New INFO functions DAX query view is available in live connect Add or update multiple measures in DAX query ...
Learn Power BI Individual sign-up Work with data Connect to data documentation Transform, shape, and model data documentation Data refresh On-premises gateways DAX basics Create and manage relationships Create measures Create & share Create reports and dashboards documentation ...
Advanced Reports in a Single Visual: Zebra BI lets you create complex reports combining multiple dimensions and measures in a single visual, which saves valuable dashboard space and makes your reports easier to read and understand. Comparisons Out-of-the-box: Zebra BI visuals offer automatic varia...
The idea is to know the reasons why customers churn, the factors that impact that, so that appropriate measures can be taken to retain them. This is where Power BI comes into play. Through this Customer Churn analysis project, one can uncover what causes your customers to stop using your ...