Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
Using Power Query and Power Pivot I was able to add formulas, join mapping tables and even duplicate records without any external help. Then the fun really began – I started building visualizations with Power View and Power BI. To be honest, I didn’t think I would learn anything bec...
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
Os exemplos internos também estão disponíveis como relatórios do Power BI (.pbix) e pastas de trabalho do Excel (.xlsx). Versões da pasta de trabalho do Excel dos exemplos internos, contendo o modelo de dados. Explore o modelo de dados no suplemento Power Pivot para Excel ou ...
Cross Filtering Versus Slicers In Power BI This post is inspired by a question on thePower BI Communitysite:PBI Graph Scaling. The question relates to the behavior of scaling of graphs when using Cross Filtering in a Report. It seems, as Seth Bauer (Eno1978) pointed out, that they may ...
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
Power BI authentication There's more... USERNAME() versus USERPRINCIPALNAME() See also Defining RLS roles and filtering expressions Getting ready How to do it... United States online Bike Sales Role Europe reseller sales - mountain and touring Deploy security roles to Power BI How...
PowerBI DAX终极指南(圣经)第二版全球发售开始 不用多说,PowerBI的用户都知道本书是世界范围对PowerBI DAX解释最权威的著作。目前在微软书店(www.microsoftpressstore.com)正式发售。 发售信息如下: 注意:2019年7月11日出版。 第二版主要内容 Now expanded and updated with modern best practices, this is the ...