Overview of how administrators sign up, purchase, and manage Power BI and Fabric licenses and subscriptions.
LicensesEach user of the Power BI service has either a free license, a Pro license, or a Premium per-user (PPU) license. If you're a Power BI business user, you're probably using a free license managed by your Power BI administrator....
按照以下步骤将 Power BI 许可证分配给个人用户帐户:登录到 Azure 门户。 搜索并选择 Microsoft Entra ID。 在导航窗格的“管理”下,选择“许可证”。 再次选择“管理”,然后选择“所有产品”。 选择产品名称(例如“Power BI Premium Per User”或“Power BI Pro”),然后选择“+ 分配”。 在“分配许可证”...
To share content and collaborate in Microsoft Fabric, your organization needs to have a capacity subscription and at least one per-user license. The per-user licenses are: Fabric free, Power BI Pro, and Power BI Premium per user. For more information, see the Capacity licenses and User ...
Applying Licenses to a user account By default, your Power BI license should be applied to the initial account that created the O365 Tenant, if you have a Power BI subscription. New users, created after the point of tenant creation, may not have the option assigned. You will want to veri...
Applying Licenses to a user account By default, your Power BI license should be applied to the initial account that created the O365 Tenant, if you have a Power BI subscription. New users, created after the point of tenant creation, may not have the option assigned. You will want to veri...
我们正在进行数据分析方面的工作,目前公司要求我们使用 Power BI Premium Per User 的服务来做数据分析。我们了解到可以在 Office 365 的管理界面进行购买,请协助我们。 步骤如下: 请协助购买 X 个 licenses。 我们已经申请相关费用,审批邮件参见附件。
The Power BI documentation GitHub repo default branch is being renamed from master to main on Thursday Jan 13, 2022 evening Pacific time. If you worked on Power BI content in the GitHub repo prior to that, the next time you update an article in the Power BI repo after it’s renamed, ...
So far, connecting to Power BI data in Excel has been limited to users with the Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) licenses (learn more about Power BI licensing). As more organizations adopt Power BI at a broader scale and provide access through Power B...
See Chapter 18, Administering Power BI for an Organization, and Chapter 19, Scaling with Premium and Analysis Services, for additional details on aligning Power BI licenses and resources with the needs of Power BI deployments.目录 上一章 下一章首页...