Power BI Desktop Power BI 服务 本教程使用零售分析示例 .pbix 文件。 将零售分析示例 PBIX 文件下载到桌面。 从Power BI Desktop 中,选择“文件”>“打开报表”。 浏览到零售分析示例文件并选择该文件,然后选择“打开”。 此时将在报表视图中打开零售分析示例 PBIX 文件。 选择底部的绿色加号 以向报表添加...
要继续操作,请在 Power BI Desktop 或 Power BI 服务中下载零售分析示例 .pbix 文件。 Power BI Desktop Power BI 服务 本教程使用零售分析示例 .pbix 文件。 将零售分析示例 PBIX 文件下载到桌面。 从Power BI Desktop 中,选择“文件”>“打开报表”。
適用於: Power BI Desktop Power BI 服務矩形式樹狀結構圖會將階層式資料顯示成一組巢狀矩形。 階層的每個層級會由彩色矩形 (通常稱為「分支」) 表示。 每個分支都包含更小的矩形 (稱為「分葉」節點)。 Power BI 使用量值以判斷分支和分葉的矩形大小。矩形...
By default, Power BI presents the data as a clustered column chart. This action configures the Last Year Sales data as the Y-axis for the chart on the Visualizations pane. To convert the visualization into a treemap, select Treemap on the Visualizations pane. This action exposes the ...
We’re thrilled to announce a series of powerful new features designed to make exploring your data easier and more intuitive than ever. With the addition of the “Explore this data” option in the visual options menu, diving into your datasets is a breeze. Plus, our Treemap visual now boas...
To install the downloaded file, select Browse for themes from the Themes dropdown menu, go to the location where you downloaded the JSON file, and select it to import the theme into Power BI Desktop as a new theme. When successful, Power BI shows a dialog that the import was successful....
Discover how to visually represent hierarchical data in a paginated report using a treemap or sunburst chart in Report Builder.
Both Tableau and Power BI can help you showcase your data in a variety of different ways. You have options for visualizations, including bar and line charts, treemaps, and geographical maps. On both platforms, you can interact with these visualizations, such as by hovering over them to get...
Because we are using a hierarchy, we have full access to the Drilldown capabilities shown earlier. You should also now be able to tell that the Treemap visual arranges the rectangles by size from top left (largest) to bottom right (smallest)....
If you want to remove a Treemap, you simply have to click on the three dots at the top-right corner of the Treemap and select “Remove” from the dropdown list as shown in the following screenshot. This is how you can create Power BI Visuals with Treemaps and slicers to dynamically...