将Power BI Desktop 连接到 Azure Databricks 其他资源 Microsoft Power BI是一种业务分析服务,它使用自助式商业智能功能提供交互式可视化效果,使最终用户能够自行创建报表和仪表板,而无需依赖于信息技术人员或数据库管理员。 将Azure Databricks 作为数据源与 Power BI 配合使用时,可以将 Azure Databricks 的性能和技术...
Databricks recommends using OAuth since it allows for fine-grained access control and user-level auditing. OAuth credentials might need to be configured on the Power BI dataset settings page underData source credentials. If you select Personal Access Token (PAT), a PAT is created on your behalf ...
1. 在 Power BI Desktop 中连接到 Azure Databricks: 打开Power BI Desktop,点击【获取数据】,在搜索框中输入【azure databricks】,选择【Azure Databricks】连接器。 2.在弹出的对话框中,输入之前获取的azure databricks数据源4项信息。然后点击【确定】继续。 3. 提供凭据进行身份验证: 在身份验证对话框中,选择【...
Power BI (数据流) Fabric(数据流 Gen2) 支持的身份验证类型用户名/密码 个人访问令牌 OAuth (OIDC) 备注 由于部署计划和主机特定的功能,某些功能可能存在于一个产品中,但不是其他功能。 先决条件 此连接器仅用于在 AWS 上运行和使用 OAuth 的 Databricks SQL Warehouse。 如果使用 Azure Databricks,请使用Azure...
In the May 2023 release of the Azure Databricks Power BI connector, we are changing the ODBC API we internally use for the data ingestion by default. As a result of this change, the Power BI ingestion rate will increase by 2-3X, while some customers reported ...
I have a report that reads data (direct query) from Azure Databricks. When I open it on a Windows notebook, I can edit it correctly and work with it. However, when I open the same file on a remote desktop, I'm unable to load the data from Databricks. In
Taggade inlägg: Azure Databricks Announcing General Availability (GA) of the Power BI connector for Databricks Announcements Features 26 februari, 2021avKay Unkroth We are excited to announce General Availability (GA) of the Power BI connector for Databricks, including the ability to connect to ...
Power BI October 28, 2020byKay Unkroth We are excited to announce the public preview of the Azure Databricks connector. You can now share your Power BI reports based on Azure Databricks with others by publishing them in the Power BI service. ...
This article describes previous updates to Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service. For the most current month's release, check out Power BI latest updates.The monthly blog and video updates for Power BI Desktop now also include "what's new" updates for Power BI mobile and the Power BI...