If the current context has a filter on a column of a PowerPivot table (which is a selection o...
打开之后的页面如下: 依次点击鼠标右键:Table→Create New→Calculation Group,会出现如下界面: 这里会构建一张新表,我们需要针对此表进行命名,例如:同环比。 依次点击鼠标右键:表名→Create New→Calculation Item,会出现如下界面: Name是展示我们构建逻辑的名称,New Calculation则是逻辑名称以及构建我们需要的业务逻辑。
Create a calculated table You create calculated tables by using theNew tablefeature in Report View, Table View, or Model View of Power BI Desktop. For example, imagine you're a personnel manager who has a table ofNorthwest Employeesand another table ofSouthwest Employees. You want to combine ...
打开Tabular Editor,依次点击鼠标右键:Table→Create New→Calculation Group,创建名为“动态”的计算组,并且添加“数量、同比、环比”三个计算项,结果如下:依次编辑三个计算项:这里直接引用好我们构建的度量值即可,然后针对三个计算项,每个设定相应的格式。保存应用,返回到PowerBI中,添加如下度量值:计算组格...
毋庸置疑DAX是POWER BI的大脑,而计值上下文可以说是DAX的基石。 计值上下文有两类: 1、行上下文:当前行的环境; 大多数教程和文章就类似这一句,实在让人难以捉摸到底是什么东西,一边PBI是列式数据库,不存在行的概念,那么这行的环境是怎么来的呢?即使看完DAX圣经的优化主题的章节,我也没明白对数据进行三种方法的...
On the other hand, here is an example of the FILTER() function where we get the same result, but the calculation is slower: UK Revenue = CALCULATE(SUM('Online Retail'[Revenue]), FILTER('Online Retail', 'Online Retail'[Country] = "United Kingdom") Powered By Examples of Power BI ...
Sign in Power BI Get started Work with data Create & share Admin & enterprise Developer Resources Buy now Open Power BI Search Transform, shape, and model data in Power BI Overview Query Editor overview Tutorials Create your own measures Create calculated columns Create calculation gr...
It's a basic table that includes the sales totals for each category.With the matrix visual selected, choose the drop-down arrow next to TotalSales in the Values well, and select New quick measure.In the Quick measures window, under Calculation, select Average per category....
Power BI Calculation Group 优点 计算组解决了复杂模型中的问题,在这种模型中,可以使用相同的计算(最常见的时间智能计算)来增加冗余度量值。例如,销售分析人员想要按月份截止日期(MTD)、季度截止到现在(QTD)、年初至今(YTD)、本年迄今订单(PY)等来查看销售总额和订单,等等。数据建模器必须为每个计算创建单独的度量...
[2]calculation-groups(https://www.sqlbi.com/calculation-groups/) [3]理解 SELECTEDVALUE(https://www.powerbigeek.com/selectedvalue/) [4]理解 SUMMARIZE(https://www.powerbigeek.com/understanding-summarize/) [5]CROSSFILTER(https://www.powerbigeek.com/dax-functions-crossfilter/) ...