建立Power BI Desktop 檔案和相關聯的數據集、量值和圖表之後,您可以在 Power BI 上建立儀錶板來與其他人共用。 本文說明如何。 發佈至 Power BI 如果使用Analytics 檢視,請確認檢視為 [共用],而非 [私人]。 使用您的數據開啟Power BI Desktop檔案。 在[首頁] 索引標籤上選取 [發佈]。 回應...
When you publish a workbook to Power BI, there are few things to consider: You must use the same account to sign in to Office, OneDrive for work or school if your workbooks are saved there, and Power BI. You can't publish an empty workbook, or a workbook that doesn't have any Powe...
使用数据打开Power BI Desktop文件。 在“开始”选项卡上选择“发布”。 响应登录提示。 如果还没有 Power BI 帐户,则需要创建一个。 选择“登录”。 选择“在 Power BI 中打开<文件名”>链接。 配置刷新计划 展开Power BI 中的导航窗格,然后选择在发布报表时选择的工作区。 选择右上角的“数据集”。 选择表...
To publish your Excel workbook to Power BI, simply selectFile > Publish. Excel logs into Power BI with your current account. If you have a Power BI account, you are ready to go. If you don’t have a Power BI account, you cansign up for Power BI. Excel displays the progress of pu...
Once you have created an account and accessing the siteapp.powerbi.com, the main page looks like this: We will now see the most basic option, publish reports. Publishing Reports to Power BI Service Once you have your report configured and ready to use, publishing it is very simple, let ...
When you publish a workbook to Power BI, there are few things to consider:You must use the same account to sign in to Office, OneDrive for work or school if your workbooks are saved there, and Power BI. You can't publish an empty workbook, or a workbook that doesn't have any Power...
When you publish a workbook to Power BI, there are few things to consider:You must use the same account to sign in to Office, OneDrive for work or school if your workbooks are saved there, and Power BI. You can't publish an empty workbook, or a workbook that doesn't have any Power...
在Power BI 中发布应用Publish an app in Power BI,在PowerBI中发布应用PublishanappinPowerBI在PowerBI中,可创建正式的打包内容,然后将其作为应用分发给广大受众 。InPowerBI,youcancreateofficialpackagedcontent,thendistributeittoabroadaudienceasanapp.在工作
我们了解了Power BI 许可证分为:免费许可证、Pro 许可证或 Premium per-user 许可证,以及POWER BI 不同许可证的功能。 这篇分享如何通过不同类型的许可证分享Power BI报告给组织内的同事。 Power BI免费许可证: 免费版许可证用户无法把发布到Power BI service站点的PBI报告,分享给组织内用户访问。
With Power BI Publish to web, you can easily embed interactive Power BI content in blog posts, websites, emails, or social media.