盈亏平衡分析,也叫本量利分析(Cost Volume Profit Analysis,简称CVP分析,也有叫量本利分析的,简称VCP分析),是通过固定成本、变动成本、销量、价格、利润之间的关系,计算得出盈亏平衡点(Break Even Point,简称BEP,也叫保本点、零利润点、盈亏临界点、收益转折点等)的销量,进行投资决策的定量分析方法。 解决方案 在P...
使用Power BI 分析資料 已完成100 點經驗值 20 分鐘 分析資料是關於研究資料的細微之處:判斷異常、檢查及開發基礎資料結構,以及查詢資料的統計資料,例如資料列計數、值分佈、最小和最大值、平均值等。 這個概念很重要,因為其可供建立資料圖形和組織資料,使得與資料互動及識別資料分佈不那麼複雜,因此有助於工作,讓...
使用经验: 建模: 做到:选择时间,显示Actual内容,Budget内容 DateDemention --> ActTime (自关联) --> 实际的事实表 --> BudTime(自关联) --> 预算的事实表 切片器: 2. 用维度表的字段作为切片器字段,可以联动 配色: 3. 导入主题.json文件,比自己配色好多了 主题网址:https://community.powerbi.com/t5/...
適用於:Microsoft 報表產生器 (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder SQL Server Data Tools 中的報表設計師分頁報表中常會使用運算式來控制內容與報表的外觀。 運算式都是以 Microsoft Visual Basic 撰寫,並可使用內建函式、自訂程式碼、報表和群組變數,以及使用者定義的變數。 運算式以等號 (=) 當做開頭。 如需運算...
For lakehouses and their SQL endpoints, as well as datamarts and warehouses, you have two options to get-data: Connect to the underlying auto-generated dataset. Connect directly to the SQL endpoint to create your own dataset. The OneLake data hub in Power BI Desktop is your gateway to Fa...
Power BI tracks the color for a dynamic series and uses the same color for the value in other visuals. In a dynamic series, the number of series presented in visuals may change based on measures, values, or other aspects. For example, if you show Profit by Region in a report, you ...
Easy Profit and Loss and other (account) scheme reports in Power BI and Power Pivot using DAX This is about an easy way to create typical finance reports like Profit and Loss using DAX that (unlike all other solutions I’ve come across so far) can be handled with very basic knowled...
Welcome to the Power BI February 2024 update. We’ve got a lot of great features this month. Here are some key highlights: Visual calculations make it easier than ever to do calculations that were very hard or even impossible. The Power BI home provides
Project Management Office: Power BI is used by project managers to identify the current situation of various business units. It helps them to see the overall performance of the team and track the progress of various projects. Business and Data Analysts: Business Analysts use Power BI to analyze...
Pour surveiller la santé d’une entreprise, d’un produit, d’un centre de profit, d’une campagne marketing, etc. Pour créer une vue personnalisée d’un tableau de bord plus global et afficher tous les indicateurs importants à vos yeux ...