Professional Power BI administrators, developers, and consultants. Microsoft partner since 2008. In Power BI support services since 2016.
Augment your business productivity with Power BI consulting services. Centralize your data and get advanced visual reports with the help of our Power BI consultants.
This month, we are pleased to announce updates to On-Object interaction, a new demo experience to the Power BI embedded playground which simplifies the process of exploring embedding Power BI in your application, creating Power BI reports instantly with Jupyter Notebooks, and Power BI Desktop Devel...
Analysis Services Announcements Direct Lake Features Power BI Semantic model 15 ottobre, 2024a cura diRui Romano You can use Power BI Desktop to live edit Direct Lake semantic models, improving your data modeling experience and allowing export to Power BI Project (PBIP) for professional development...
Providing professional and customized Microsoft Power BI services that modernize business intelligence in organizations. Speak with our Power BI team about your data project, dashboarding needs, or connecting Power BI to Microsoft Dynamics. Fill the form for aFree Consultation ...
Microsoft Power BI easily interacts with your data sources, whether on-premises or in the cloud, and helps you create and share stunning data visualizations. Learn how be one solutions, a global SAP partner, can implement Power BI for your multinational
若要使用 Power BI Pro,需要设置一个帐户或使用现有帐户登录。登录。 在“权益”页的“工具”部分找到“Power BI Pro”磁贴。 选择权益磁贴底部的“获取代码”链接。 你会收到一条通知消息,指示已成功检索到代码。 选择“激活”。 如果已激活某些其他的订阅权益(如 Microsoft...
Transform your data with Power BI Consulting services. Our Power BI consultants help you create the right Power BI Dashboards every time.
your professional life. Let’s go Marco,你好, 我很高兴我们的项目在稳定增长,感谢您的支持。最近几年使用Power BI越来越让我认识到这个产品有多牛,再怎么努力学都不为过。今天咱们的主题就是请Macro您来分享下您个人的故事,关于BI方面,您是如何成为Power BI专家以及Power BI给您带来了怎样的改变。我们开始吧...
为了提升Enterprise的实力,Power BI现在将提供对微软通用数据模型(Microsoft Common Data Model,CDM))的支持,并且正在增加多个地区的合规性,允许客户将Power BI Premium(非Professional)部署到全球特定的区域。 这有助于遵守数据驻留要求,增强数据局部性,从而减少数据的加载时间。微软知道技术几乎总是通过数据和...