如果組織需要,您也可以下載先前版本的 Power BI Desktop。 強烈建議您使用最新版的 Power BI Desktop,不要使用舊版本。 所有舊版本都有下列限制:不針對舊版 Power BI Desktop 提供服務 - 您應該一律採用最新版本以獲得最新功能和更新。 可能無法使用舊版 Power BI Desktop 開啟使用較新版 Power BI Desktop 建立或...
適用於:Microsoft 報表產生器 (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder SQL Server Data Tools 中的報表設計師在編頁報告中,運算式用來協助您控制、組織和排序報表資料。 依預設,在您建立資料集與設計報表配置時,報表項目的屬性會自動設定為運算式。 此行為是以 [報表資料] 窗格中顯示的資料集欄位、參數...
2.20 PowerBI数据建模-移动平均 加入PowerBI自己学知识星球:下载源文件,边学边练;遇到问题,还可以提问交流。 移动平均,又名滑动平均、滚动平均,英文名有Moving Average、Running Average、Rolling Average。它属于时间相关分析,是指在时间序列的每个节点上,计算某个指标在该节点最近N个周期的平均值,通过平均值消除数据...
ORDERBY([StartOfWeek],ASC) ) STEP 3 基于年周序号/周序号书写上周销量和周环比的度量值。 销量: Sales = SUM(Fact_Sales[数量]) 上周销量(不跨年): Sales_LastYearWeek = CALCULATE([Sales], FILTER(ALL(Dim_Date), [YearWeek_Order]=MAX(Dim_Date[YearWeek_Order])-1)) 周环比增长率(不跨年): Wo...
This month we are introducing multiple new functions for DAX, targeted at making it easier to do comparison calculations in Power BI. The new functions we are introducing are: INDEX, OFFSET and WINDOW: INDEXretrieves a result using absolute positioning. ...
Before diving into combining two columns, let's first understand its need. Combining two columns in Power BI is useful when you have related data across multiple columns and want to group them to make them more meaningful. For example, you may have a customer's first name in one column an...
Multiple Sparklines Inforiver Charts 2.1 is now Microsoft Power BI certified accoPLANNING by Accobat Drill Down Donut PRO by ZoomCharts Reporting Conditional formatting based on string fields This month, you can now set conditional formatting rules based on string fields! We know thatmany of you ...
Apr 9, 2021 Updated Alberto Ferrari DAX Power BI Power Pivot DAX offers the RANKX function to compute ranking over a table, based on measures or columns. One limitation of RANKX is that it is only capable of ranking using a single expression. Oftentimes it is necessary to use multiple ...
Power BI Report Builder SQL Server Data Tools 中的 Report Designer 表达式通常在分页报表中使用,以控制报表的内容和外观。 表达式是用 Microsoft Visual Basic 编写的,可以使用内置函数、自定义代码、报表和组变量以及用户定义的变量。 表达式通常以等号 (=) 开头。 有关表达式编辑器和可以包括的引用类型的详细信息...
If tables or columns are removed from the underlying source, it might result in query failure upon refresh. To update the fields in the model to reflect the changes, you must open the report in Power BI Desktop and choose Refresh. A limit of 1 million rows can return on any query. ...