RefreshType 刷新请求的类型 展开表 名称类型说明 OnDemand string 刷新是通过 Power BI 门户以交互方式触发的 OnDemandTraining string 刷新是通过 Power BI 门户通过自动聚合训练以交互方式触发的 Scheduled string 刷新是由数据集刷新计划设置触发的 ViaApi string 刷新是由 API 调用触发的 ViaEnhancedApi...
PowerBI dataset onboard/refresh issue 10-12-2023 12:55 AM Has anyone seen the attached error and has any advice on how to fix it? Previously the problem, which occurred a few weeks ago, was resolved after a few refreshes, but not this time. when I tried refreshing the dataset ...
We are excited to share that cancelling an in-progress dataset refresh in Power BI Premium, Power BI Premium Per User, and Power BI Embedded just got significantly easier. A top-20 idea on Power BI Ideas (we do listen and appreciate your feedback), we acknowledge that this capa...
Power BI 数据集刷新目标 展开表 名称类型说明 partition string 要刷新的分区 table string 要刷新的表 DatasetRefreshRequest Object Power BI 数据集刷新请求 展开表 名称类型说明 applyRefreshPolicy boolean 确定策略是否已应用 commitMode DatasetCommitMode 确定对象是批量提交还是仅在完成时提交 effectiveDa...
Within Power BI, you have the option of either setting up a Scheduled Data Refresh, or doing a Refresh Now. Refresh Now is considered on demand. When performing a refresh, you may encounter one of the following errors. Both of these messages do indicate&
在上述示例中,首先导入了Power BI模块,并使用Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount命令连接到Power BI服务。然后,使用Get-PowerBIDataset命令获取名为"My Dataset"的数据集。接下来,使用Invoke-PowerBIDatasetRefresh命令刷新数据集。最后,使用Disconnect-PowerBIServiceAccount命令断开与Power BI服务的连接。
operationName: "new_RefreshPowerBIDataset" }; }; }; var tempRequest = new request(); //Execute global action.; Now we will add new ribbon button ‘Refresh Power BI’ on CRM home page as shown below: ...
GET{datasetId}/refreshes?$top={$top} URI Parameters Išplėsti lentelę NameInRequiredTypeDescription datasetId path True string The dataset ID $top query integer The requested number of entries in the refresh history. If not provid...
GET{datasetId}/refreshes?$top={$top} URI Parameters Kembangkan jadual NameInRequiredTypeDescription datasetId path True string The dataset ID $top query integer The requested number of entries in the refresh history. If not provided, the...
一、在PowerBI portal端需要准备的操作: 1.https://app.powerbi.cn登陆,点击左侧My Workspace,你需要有一个账号 2. 选入Datasets,点击页面右上角的Creat,添加Streaming dataset 3.添加API{ } 4.记录Push URL , 这个后续作为post data的URL 二、在c#代码中的操作: ...