Visualize any data and integrate the visuals into the apps you use every day with Power BI, a unified platform for self-service and business intelligence.
Visualize any data and integrate the visuals into the apps you use every day with Power BI, a unified platform for self-service and business intelligence.
仅当在dataViewMappings中定义了有效映射时,Power BI 才会创建到数据视图的映射。 换句话说,categorical可在dataViewMappings中定义,但其他映射(例如table或single)可能不行。 在这种情况下,Power BI 会生成具有单个categorical映射的数据视图,并且table和其他映射仍保持未定义状态。 例如: ...
Enhance your data insights and integrate your daily apps with Power BI, a unified platform for data visualization and self-service business intelligence
TypeScript 複製 .text(dataView.metadata.columns[0].displayName) 儲存visual.ts 檔案。 在Power BI 服務中檢閱視覺效果。視覺效果現在會顯示所選資料欄位的名稱和值。您建立了一個可運作的 Power BI 視覺效果。 您可以將格式設定選項新增至其中,也可以按原樣封裝以供立即使用。相關...
Enhance your data insights and integrate your daily apps with Power BI, a unified platform for data visualization and self-service business intelligence
Enhance your data insights and integrate your daily apps with Power BI, a unified platform for data visualization and self-service business intelligence
The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Power BI Pro in Microsoft 365 E5, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, July 2023. As of October 2023, some Microsoft 365 and Office 365 suites no longer include Microsoft Teams. Subscribers to those plans ...
Power View就是我们说的Power BI中的"报表"视图,简称PV,Power View 中提供了非常多的可视化图表,例如:柱状图、条形图、饼图、折线图等,主要帮助我们实现数据可视化。 Power View 页面总体如下,下面分别介绍各个区域的操作要点。一、报表页在Power BI中一张报表不能展示所有的数据报表我们可以创建多个报表页,可以点击...
PBI数据分析画面 powerbi数据分析报告 power bi里面包括四个插件 power map: 三维地图 power view:可以生成不同的二维图形 power query:主要用来处理数据(重要) power pivot:主要用来生成透视图,经常用来创建KPI。(重要) KPI:考核一个员工能力的标准 powe bi的流程...