速通Power BI认证,简历加分! 微软官方推出的Power BI数据分析师认证课程现在已经在Coursera上线啦!🎉 这是数据分析领域含金量超高的认证,全球500强企业中97%都在使用Power BI进行数据分析和商业决策。 Power BI是目前最受欢迎的商业智能和数据分析工具之一,拥有这个证书不仅能为你的简历增色,还能让你在求职面试时更具...
Power BI Data Analyst证书是微软官方认可的证书,主要考察使用Power BI设计和构建数据模型、提供数据可视化和建设性见解的能力,帮助用户进行自助分析和解决业务问题。 🔹 考试概况: 证书支持中英文考试,700分及格;费用为$165美元。 🔹 考前准备: 1️⃣ Get started with Microsoft data analytics 2️⃣ Prep...
Power BI 每天5分钟入门系列 2. 观看视频教程: 视频教程可以帮助你更直观地学习Power Query的操作和概念。Bilibili、Youtube、Coursera等平台有丰富的资源。 3. 加入社区: 加入Power Query和Excel相关的论坛、社交媒体群组或专业社区,如Microsoft Tech Community,知乎,公众号,CSDN等,方便学习和与他人交流心得和解决问题。
Working as a Data Engineer and Data Analyst, I specialize in Building data infrastructure, transforming raw data into actionable insights, crafting engaging visualizations and dashboards using Power BI, and training professionals in cutting-edge technologies like SQL, Python, Power BI, Big Data, ...
About My Certification on Power BI, Python, SQL, JAVA, DATA ANALYTICS etc Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 1 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published Packages No packages published
在Coursera网站上搜索Power BI,你会发现各种可视化的课程,包括微软和谷歌的官方课程,也有Coursera自己的课程。通过一个网站,你可以找到不同平台的培训课程,课程种类繁多,适合不同经验的用户。例如,初学者可以直接选择零基础课程;有些经验想巩固DAX的朋友可以选择DAX课程。 优点:通过一个网站可以找到不同平台的培训课程,...
RTVS- Visual Studio中R开发工具.官网:http://microsoft.github.io/RTVS-docs/ 回到目录 2.语法 magrittr- 一个R语言高效的管道操作包.官网:https://github.com/smbache/magrittr pipeR- 多泛型管道的实现.官网:https://github.com/renkun-ken/pipeR ...
The editors at Solutions Review have compiled this list of the best Power BI courses on Coursera to consider if you’re looking to grow your skills. Microsoft Power BI is one of the most widely usedbusiness intelligence and data analytics platformsin the world. Power BI is cloud-based and ...
Platform:Coursera Description:In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn the basics of using Power BI Desktop software. We will do this by analyzing data on credit card defaults with Power BI Desktop. Power BI Desktop is a free business intelligence application from Microsoft that...
Welcome to Advanced Microsoft Power BI, where you'll embark on a journey to acquire practical expertise in data handling and machine learning which later used to harness the power of Microsoft Power BI for data visualization and decision making skills.