Multiply:We can always multiply a constant with numerical data to scale it. This practice of feature scaling is especially common in Machine Learning, where it allows the gradient descent algorithm to converge faster. Subtract:Subtraction allows us to measure changes. For instance, in baseline compa...
I want to multiply my amount(Utfall) with a Sign (+/-) ONLY when we are on level 3. So this is how I created the measure: UtfallSign:= IF(HASONEFILTER(Konto,[UtfallOld]*[Sign], [UtfallOld]) I also tried with ISINSCOPE which gives the same result. UtfallOld is base measure ...
I need to get the results of the column FinalValue as above (did it in excel for 2021-12 only), but instead I get only the first line on PBI. Can you guys help me? Then in the last step, I have to multiply this value by the weights in the other table, and I tried this: Fi...
For many users, what’s really exciting about Power BI is its dynamic visualization tools. Sure it’s great to measure how your website performs over time, but there’s a pretty big wow factor in watching data come alive in real time, uncovering multiple trends and relationships. Consider P...
ForF128orP2SKUs, you can multiply these numbers by two, as the capacity has twice the number of CPU cores. Advanced calculation Let’s assume that you have three paginated reports with the daily rendering percent listed in the table below. ...
For many users, what’s really exciting about Power BI is its dynamic visualization tools. Sure it’s great to measure how your website performs over time, but there’s a pretty big wow factor in watching data come alive in real time, uncovering multiple trends and relationships. ...
We multiply the value ofSales YoY %measure by 10 which gives us adecimalvalue between 0 and 10 (we will deal with the situations when the value is smaller than 0 or bigger than 10) We convert thedecimalvalue to anintegerto drop the digits after the decimal point. ...
To convert a date or a number-string to a number, multiply by 1.0. For example, the following formula calculates the current date minus 3 days, and then outputs the corresponding integer value. =(TODAY()-3)*1.0 To convert a date, number, or currency value to a string, concatenate the...
We will use the RELATED function to fetch the incentive details. Assume we need to create a measure that calculates the incentive except for the state “Kentucky”, Right-click on Sales_Table and choose New Measure and give the name as “Incentive Except Kentucky”. ...
(65338 × 216) + 60027 = 4282051195 hexadecimal converted to decimal decimal The most significant bit of the High Order register is set, therefore the Data Value is: DATA VALUE = DATA VALUE – 232 = 4282051195 – 4294967296 = –12916101 Multiply the Data Value by 0.01 kW according to the...