今天学习一下在power query 中使用Function.ScalarVector函数来优化我们调用的M函数公式。本例来自老外 的博客文章 https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/201 / 11/ 16/function-scalarvector-optimise-power-query-m- functions/ ,我想试着按照原英文的步骤,来熟悉一下这个函数的使用。我们先看一下这个函数的基本解释 这...
https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/powerquery-m/table-join https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2020/06/07/optimising-the-performance-of-power-query-merges-in-power-bi-part-3-table-join-and-sortmerge/ https://radacad.com/power-query-library-of-functions-shared-keyword...
To go along with all those other announcements, we, of course, also have a big update for our June update for Power BI Desktop. There are a lot of new features and updates to the existing features this month. Some of the highlights include a top UserVoice ask, visual level filters for ...
DAX formulas are limited to use only functions that can be transposed to native queries understood by the data source. Calculated tables aren't supported. Quick Insights features aren't supported. From a Power BI service resource perspective, DirectQuery models require: ...
New DAX functions and improvements to existing features, such as buttons and the selection pane, round out this update. » קרא עוד Power BI Desktop December 2018 Feature Summary Announcements Features 11 דצמבר, 2018 לפי Amanda Cofsky December is a ...
The user can then invoke those functions by accessing them from the ribbon in Power Query Editor, or by invoking the M function directly. Power BI also automatically batches the access requests when invoking the Azure Machine Learning model for a set of rows to achieve better performance. This...
適用於:Microsoft 報表產生器 (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder SQL Server Data Tools 中的報表設計師 傳回運算式指定的所有非 Null 數值的最小值 (在編頁報表給定範圍的內容中)。 注意 您可以在 Microsoft 報表產生器、Power BI Report Builder,以及 SQL Server Data Tools 的報表設計師中,建立及修改...
(Time Intelligence Functions),免去了报告 开发者 通过CALCULATE+FILTER+ALL(Dim_Date)+指定筛选条件这种较为复杂的方式去修改上下文,直接将时间智能函数用于CALCULATE的第二参数,甚至有些函数直接省略了CALCULATE,大大提升了代码的书写效率和可读性。 时间智能函数清单 ...
This article will talk about Power BI, DAX functions, and four types of DAX functions: DAX COUNT, DAX CALENDAR, DAX DATE, and DAX HASONEVALUE.