Power BI 12 марта, 2019Автор:Amanda Cofsky This month we have a lot of exciting announcements. Two of our most requested features on UserVoice are releasing this month, heat maps and single select slicers. Additionally, we are making our complete facelift of the modeling view ge...
Power BI Desktop March 2019 Feature Summary Announcements Features Power BI március 12, 2019készítette:Amanda Cofsky This month we have a lot of exciting announcements. Two of our most requested features on UserVoice are releasing this month, heat maps and single select slicers. Additionally, ...
This article describes how to add a heat map layer to an Azure Maps Power BI visual.Heat maps, also known as density maps, are a type of overlay on a map used to represent the density of data using different colors. Heat maps are often used to show the data "hot spots" on a map...
Heat map, as the name, says that it is a kind of visualization that is used when we need to project the density of data on a map for any given points. Heat Map in Power BI is the customized type of data visualization which is directly not available in the Visualization section. We a...
When creating a heatmap, always choose a color representing Heat or density. Only numerical data can be used in heat maps. Some of the cells in your data matrix might not have any values after conversion. In this case, PowerBI gives you the option to set those values to zero, which is...
啟用Azure 地圖服務 Power BI 視覺效果之後,請從 [視覺效果] 窗格中選取 [Azure 地圖服務] 圖示。Power BI 會建立空白的 Azure 地圖服務視覺效果的設計畫布。請採取下列步驟以載入 Azure 地圖服務視覺效果:在[欄位] 窗格中執行下列兩個動作之一,可提供載入 Azure 地圖服務視覺效果所需的最少資料: 將包含緯度和...
This article describes how to add a heat map layer to an Azure Maps Power BI visual.Heat maps, also known as density maps, are a type of overlay on a map used to represent the density of data using different colors. Heat maps are often used to show the data "hot spots" on a map...
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI于2016年9月在预览版中发布。其开发人员 ESRI凭借其ArcGIS系列产品成为地理空间软件和空间数据的领导者。有几个独特的功能,例如您当前无法通过任何其他Power BI地图获得的驱动时间半径和群集。自推出以来,已经有了一些改进。 优点
Azure Maps Power BI 视觉对象支持以下三个不同的图块服务命名约定: X、Y、缩放表示法 - X 是列,Y 是图块网格中图块的行位置,缩放表示法是一个基于缩放级别的值。 Quadkey 表示法 - 将 x、y、缩放信息合并到单个字符串值中。 此字符串值将成为单个图块的唯一标识符。 边界框 - 以边界框坐标格式指定图...
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI于2016年9月在预览版中发布。其开发人员 ESRI凭借其ArcGIS系列产品成为地理空间软件和空间数据的领导者。有几个独特的功能,例如您当前无法通过任何其他Power BI地图获得的驱动时间半径和群集。自推出以来,已经有了一些改进。 优点