使用ISBLANK与空值的比较等价于「严格相等」运算符==,以下两种写法等价: ISBLANK ( <expression> ) --- 等价于 --- <expression> == BLANK() 示例 以下公式计算与上一年相比销售额的变化率。使用 IF 函数检查上一年销售额的值,以避免发生被零除的错误: =IF( ISBLANK ([PreviousYearTotalSales]), BLANK(),...
FIND不支持通配符。要使用通配符,请使用SEARCH。 当使用列作为参数的时候,为了避免可能出现未找到的情况而导致错误,请始终设置备选结果。 示例 FIND("BMX","line of BMX racing goods") = 9 扩展阅读:
由于使用频次高,微软专门为此打造了一个系列的日期分析相关函数,称为时间智能函数(Time Intelligence Functions),免去了报告开发者通过CALCULATE+FILTER+ALL(Dim_Date)+指定筛选条件这种较为复杂的方式去修改上下文,直接将时间智能函数用于CALCULATE的第二参数,甚至有些函数直接省略了CALCULATE,大大提升了代码的书写效率和可...
A streaming semantic model has no underlying database, so you can't build report visuals by using the data that flows in from the stream. Therefore, you can't use report functionality such as filtering, Power BI visuals, and other report functions....
On the AI insights screen, select the Power BI Machine Learning Models folder from the navigation pane. The list shows all the machine learning models you have access to as Power Query functions. The input parameters for the machine learning model automatically map as parameters of the ...
Power BI offers DAX functions to easily perform several operations on your datasets. One of the common DAX filter functions is the Power BI Lookup Value function. It looks for a value of the column in a table and returns a single value. In this article, you will learn how to effectively...
Direct Lake is a fast path to query data directly from the lake for your Lakehouse/Warehouse. The data volumes for Direct Lake mode far exceed the per-dataset memory limits for Import models in Power BI Premium Gen2. Building near real-time BI solutions to unlock massive data has never bee...
DAX query view, released in public preview last month, in the December 2023 Power BI Desktop release has exciting updates including the new INFO DAX functions and improvements to the Update model CodeLens.
在SQL Server Data Tools 中,你可以在 Microsoft 报表生成器、Power BI 报表生成器和报表设计器中创建和修改分页报表定义 (.rdl) 文件。 语法 复制 Max(expression, scope, recursive) 参数 expression (Variant) 要对其执行聚合的表达式。 作用域 (String) 可选。 包含要对其应用聚合函数的报表项的数据集、组或...
Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools To include aggregated values in your paginated report, you can use built-in aggregate functions in expressions. The default aggregate function for numeric fields is SUM. You can edit the expression and use a different built-in aggr...