使用查询参数,我们现在可以在Power BI Desktop中创建参数,并在各种情况下使用它们。 例如,我们现在可以定义引用参数的查询以检索不同的数据集。 或者我们可以通过Filter Rows引用参数。 本质上来说,是替换字符串 – 所配置参数,对M 查询语句(字符串)进行替换,达到方便和灵活管理这些变量的目的。 一般来说我们可以在...
在PowerBI中,通过Excel工作簿导入上述的销售数据表,一切正常。 在应用的步骤“中选择源, 我们发现源数据中包含了一行FilterDatabase,这说明我们的Excel中存在命名区域。之所以我们导入的结果正确是因为在下一步导航中,Power Query 默认只导入Kind="Sheet"的数据,也就是我们的工作表数据,没有包括命名区域的数据。
左手漏斗筛选器,右手智能计算器,随心所欲的设计你的筛选和计算,Master of Power BI指日可待。这一节我们就来学习最强大的筛选函数Filter。 1 Filter与Calculate CALCULATE(<计算式>,<筛选条件1>,<筛选条件2>…)已经有了筛选功能,为什么还要用Filter?这是学习Filter时大多数人的第一反应。其实Filter才是真正意义...
On your Power BI site, select OneLake in the navigation pane:A list of data that you have access to appears when the OneLake catalog opens. You can filter to show all items, your own items, or items endorsed by someone in your organization:You can select Apps on the navigation pane ...
3、步骤1-POWER BI导入6个表格并建模 4、任务1-要筛选销售额大于千万的产品 筛选条件是度量值大于固定值,必须要使用FILTER进行条件筛选 度量值1:销售总额 = SUM('销售明细表'[销售金额]) 度量值2:销售金额大于千万产品 = CALCULATE('销售明细表'[销售总额],FILTER('产品明细表','销售明细表'[销售总额]>=10...
Data is the core of Power BI. As you explore reports, each visual draws its underlying data from sources that often contain far more data than you need. Power BI offers several ways to filter and highlight reports. Knowing how to filter data is the key to finding the right information. ...
On your Power BI site, select OneLake in the navigation pane:A list of data that you have access to appears when the OneLake catalog opens. You can filter to show all items, your own items, or items endorsed by someone in your organization:...
Filtering data in power bi 04-26-2023 12:00 AM Hey team, I am trying to get count of id on basis of three filters. Where first filter is "renewal" applied on column charging mode, the second filter is "1" on status column and third filter is on "ft" on source id column...
Power BI: filter data by visualization selection 02-26-2024 02:47 AM Imagine this is my data: Type1 Type2 Type3 Amount aa cc gg 7 aa cc hh 10 aa dd kk 5 bb cc gg 2 bb dd kk 5 bb dd hh 8 And I want to filter Type1=bb & Type2=dd & Type3=kk, not from...
《孙兴华讲PowerBI火力全开》笔记 09.聚合函数与迭代函数 <2>迭代函数 讲述了,AverageX、MaxX、MinX、CountX、CountaX、ProductX...它们与Filter函数一样都是行上下文 语法:一张新表=Filter('表名', 筛选条件) Filter函数: 不仅是表函数,还具有迭代功能(对表逐行扫描进行筛选),说白了就是限制表的行数用的 ...